Gods of Night
Gods of Night is the first novel in the Star Trek: Destiny crossover trilogy, written by David Mack. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in September 2008. The trilogy is set in February 2381.
- From the book jacket
- Half a decade after the Dominion War and more than a year after the rise and fall of Praetor Shinzon, the galaxy's greatest scourge returns to wreak havoc upon the Federation – and this time its goal is nothing less than total annihilation.
- Elsewhere, deep in the Gamma Quadrant, an ancient mystery is solved. One of Earth's first generation of starships, lost for centuries, has been found dead and empty on a desolate planet. But its discovery so far from home has raised disturbing questions, and the answers harken back to a struggle for survival that once tested a captain and her crew to the limits of their Humanity.
- From that terrifying flashpoint begins an apocalyptic odyssey that will reach across time and space to reveal the past, define the future, and show three captains – Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, William Riker of the USS Titan, and Ezri Dax of the USS Aventine – that some destinies are inescapable.
- Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.
Background information[]
- Mack began work on the manuscript in July 2007, delivering it in September 2007.
- Material from the novel was included in the Star Trek - Convention Special – along with material from Greater than the Sum and Kobayashi Maru – at the New York Comic-Con in mid-April 2008.
- A solicitation cover – featuring an image from the 2005 Ships of the Line calendar, and carrying the inaccurate title "Gods of the Night" – was presented at Amazon.com in early May 2008 (see below); however, author Mack noted that the cover did not reflect the final design. [1] The finalized cover was revealed at the Shore Leave convention on 11 July 2008.
- Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dax make cameo appearances at the beginning of the novel. Their appearance takes place after "Children of Time".
- In the novel's inner title page, the fifth city listed under Pocket Books is Erigol, the name of the planet the Caeliar inhabit during this novel.
- An extract from the novel appeared in Star Trek Magazine issue 140.
Cover gallery[]
Columbia NX-02 (β)[]
- Captain Hernandez (β)
- commanding officer Commander Veronica Fletcher (β)
- executive officer Lieutenant Commander Kalil el-Rashad (β)
- second officer, science officer Lieutenant Karl Graylock (β)
- chief engineer Lieutenant Johanna Metzger (β)
- chief medical officer Lieutenant Kiona Thayer (β)
- senior weapons officer Ensign Sidra Valerian (β)
- communications officer Major Stephen Foyle (β)
- MACO commander Lieutenant Vincenzo Yacavino (β)
- MACO second-in-command Sergeant Gage Pembleton (β)
- MACO first sergeant
USS Enterprise-E (β)[]
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard (β)
- commanding officer Commander Worf (β)
- executive officer Commander Miranda Kadohata (β)
- second officer, operations officer Commander (Geordi La Forge (β)
- chief engineer Commander Beverly Crusher (β)
- chief medical officer Lieutenant Hegol Den (β)
- senior counselor Lieutenant Jasminder Choudhury (β)
- chief of security Lieutenant Dina Elfiki (β)
- senior science officer Lieutenant T'Ryssa Chen (β)
- contact specialist, flight control officer
USS Titan (β)[]
- Captain William T. Riker (β)
- commanding officer Commander Christine Vale (β)
- executive officer Commander Tuvok (β)
- second officer, tactical officer Commander Deanna Troi (β)
- diplomatic officer, senior counselor Commander Xin Ra-Havreii (β)
- Efrosian chief engineer Lieutenant Commander Shenti Yisec Eres Ree (β)
- Pahkwa-thanh chief medical officer Lieutenant Commander Ranul Keru (β)
- chief of security Lieutenant Commander Melora Pazlar (β)
- Elaysian senior science officer Lieutenant Pral glasch Haaj (β)
- Tellarite counselor Lieutenant Huilan Sen'kara (β)
- Sti'ach counselor Ensign Torvig Bu-Kar-Nguv (β)
- Choblik engineer
USS Aventine (β)[]
- Captain Ezri Dax (β)
- commanding officer Commander Samaritan Bowers (β)
- executive officer Lieutenant Commander Gruhn Helkara (β)
- Zakdorn second officer, senior science officer Lieutenant Lonnoc Kedair (β)
- Takaran chief of security Lieutenant Simon Tarses (β)
- chief medical officer Lieutenant Mikaela Leishman (β)
- chief engineer Lieutenant Oliana Mirren (β)
- senior operations officer
External link[]
- Gods of Night at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works