
Graviton beam

NCIA-93 firing graviton beam

NCIA-93 fires a graviton beam

USS Voyager emitting graviton beam

USS Voyager generates a resonant graviton beam

A graviton beam was a confined beam of gravitons.

In 2257, NCIA-93 used a graviton beam to close a micro-wormhole that enabled the Red Angel to time travel. (DIS: "The Red Angel")

A graviton beam could be emitted through a starship's deflector dish. This was implemented on board the USS Voyager in 2374 when Seven of Nine modified Voyager's navigational controls to allow the deflector to emit a resonant graviton beam that opened a portal to fluidic space. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

Faced with crash landing the USS Discovery on a planet in 3189, Commander Saru ordered Gen Rhys to fire graviton beams at the surface to lessen the force of their impact. (DIS: "Far From Home")

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