

Hiking was the activity of traveling long distances by foot for recreational purposes, usually outside urban areas. Backpacking combined hiking with the skill of wearing a backpack.

Kathryn Janeway recalled going on backpacking trips with her family when she was a child. Her parents believed it would help her and her sister, Phoebe, keep a connection to their pioneer roots. (VOY: "Resolutions") Among their adventures, Janeway and her father hiked the northern rim of the Grand Canyon when she was nine years old. (VOY: "Imperfection")

Dorian Collins and her father used environmental suits every lunar morning to hike across the Sea of Clouds and wait for sunrise. (DS9: "Valiant")

When Jadzia Dax and Worf discussed their honeymoon in 2374, Dax rejected Worf's proposal of spending it by hiking two weeks through Vulcan's Forge. She made clear she wanted no hiking, climbing, or any other exhausting activity for honeymoon, but a relaxing holiday in a luxurious accommodation. (DS9: "Change of Heart")

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