

Multiple realities

(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Icy floor

Kirk and Spock slipping on ice

Torres frozen

Lieutenant Torres frozen by Q

For the American government agency, please see ICE.

Ice was the solid form of water, formed at temperatures below 0 °C. Comets consist mostly of ice. (TNG: "Masks"; ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

Thy'lek Shran felt that while Vulcans said that the desert teaches men the meaning of endurance, it was ice that forged real strength. (ENT: "The Aenar")

In 2270, an entire deck of the USS Enterprise was covered with ice. James T. Kirk and Spock slipped on it. (TAS: "The Practical Joker")

Ice can be used for medicinal purposes, notably to reduce swelling. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons"; DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")

It can also be used for cooling drinks such as martinis and champagne. (TOS: "The Cage"; TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris")

An icicle is a spike of ice formed from the freezing and thawing of falling water. While being held prisoner in the freezing cold rec room by the Enterprise main computer, Leonard McCoy suggested that he, Hikaru Sulu and Nyota Uhura move before they turned into icicles. (TAS: "The Practical Joker") Intendant Kira once told Benjamin Sisko that she knew of Breen icicles warmer than Jennifer Sisko. (DS9: "Shattered Mirror")

The entity Q used his powers and "iced" first Lieutenant Torres and later Natasha Yar. Both were recovered a short time later. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

In 2368, the planet Penthara IV was slowly turning to ice after a Type C asteroid had struck an unpopulated continent and the resulting dust cloud could have created a phenomenon not unlike the nuclear winters of 21st century Earth. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

See also[]

AntimoniumArcheriteArcybiteAsbestosBakriniumBemoniteBenamiteBeresiumBerniciumBilitriumChronditeCormalineCormaliteDuraniteEisilliumFeldomiteFeldsparFortaniumGalliciteGarnesiteHematiteHornblendeIceJakmaniteJevoniteKelboniteKemociteLadariumMagnesiteMuriniteNitriumNoraniumOlivineParalithiumPergiumPolyferranidePromethean quartzPyriteQuartzRiddiniteRyetalynSaleniteSeleniteSilicateSilithiumStyroliteTalgoniteTopalineTrelliumTreviumTricelliteTricyanateTri-magnesiteTritaniumTryoxeneUraniniteUridiumVendariteVokayaZenite

In a deleted scene from TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome", Leonard McCoy tells Christine Chapel a story about falling through a hole in an icy lake as a child and being unable to find the place where he fell in, then being pulled out by a still-unknown individual. (Star Trek: Lost Scenes)

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