Judge's bench

Trelane at his judge's bench
A judge's bench was a type of courtroom chair sat in by a judge during a trial. A judge or group of judges could also be referred to as "the bench". (TOS: "Court Martial", "The Squire of Gothos")
Trelane addressed the crew of the USS Enterprise from a judge's bench in 2267, telling the detained Captain James T. Kirk that "The prisoner may approach the bench." (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

The bench at Starbase 11
The same year, James T. Kirk faced a court martial at Starbase 11, where he faced a panel of his superiors. During the trial, the two opposing counsels, Samuel T. Cogley and Lieutenant Areel Shaw were discussing Cogley's supposed "theatrics", but were directed by the head of the trial, Commodore Stone, to "kindly direct their remarks to the bench." (TOS: "Court Martial")
In 2364, when Q appeared as a judge within his recreation of a post-atomic horror courtroom, he utilized a floating bench that was seemingly self-propelled, and decorated with six carvings resembling lions' heads. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
When Q once again recreated a post-atomic horror courtroom in 2370, he utilized a similar floating bench similar to his previous one, save for the fact that the newer throne featured several carvings in the shape of humanoid faces and two winged figures, rather than lion's heads. (TNG: "All Good Things...")
In 2378, three Q judges sat on similar, non-floating judge's benches when they judged Q Junior during the trial, The Continuum vs. Q. (VOY: "Q2")
When Q appeared to the crew of the USS Cerritos on two separate occasions in 2380, he sat on a floating bench that was similar to his first one, albeit with several physical differences. For example, this throne incorporated only two lion's-head carvings into its design, while the initial throne incorporated six. (LD: "Veritas")
This type of furniture was so named in the script for "Encounter at Farpoint", which described: "The "judge's bench" (an appropriate 21st century design on Chapman camera-crane) comes floating into the courtroom. Seated in [...] an arrangement which gives "his Honor" physical access to every part and corner of this courtroom, [...] [where] he floats serenely over spectators' heads." In "All Good Things..." it was simply described as a "floating chair", and again as a "judge's bench" in "Q2".