
Canisters of processed kemocite
Kemocite was a mineral that was a multiphasic isotope of a radiolytic compound. It had many applications depending on its level of refinement; the highest level of refinement achieved, as of 2153, was less than six parts per million of impurities.
One place that refined kemocite was a Xindi-Arboreal colony in the Delphic Expanse. Its prime technician was Gralik Durr. In 2153, this facility supplied kemocite to Degra for use in constructing the Xindi weapon.
When Captain Jonathan Archer told Gralik what the kemocite was being used for, he sabotaged the shipment, rather than let it be used in a weapon. In addition, T'Pol and Ensign Hoshi Sato altered the radiolytic signature of a canister in the shipment, creating a tracking signature that could be followed by Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "The Shipment")
By the 24th century, kemocite was a highly regulated substance in the Federation, and was often smuggled as contraband. Quark attempted to smuggle kemocite to Orion aboard his shuttle in 2372, but his plan was cut short when he found that his cousin Gaila had sabotaged the ship, causing it to accelerate uncontrollably. Quark's brother Rom, however, came up with a plan to vent plasma from the shuttle's warp core into the cargo hold, where it started a cascade reaction in the kemocite. He then modulated the reaction to create an inversion wave in the warp field, forcing the ship back into normal space. Although the plan was successful, it also had the unexpected side-effect of creating a time warp, which transported the shuttle through space and back in time to Earth in the year 1947. Later, Rom was able to harness the beta radiation from an atomic explosion and expose the remaining kemocite to it, recreating the time warp and returning them home. The two time warps consumed the entire amount of kemocite onboard. (DS9: "Little Green Men")
Kemocite ore was a substance used on Federation starships in the 24th century, as well. In 2375, the USS Equinox, which was stranded in the Delta Quadrant, had a supply of two kilotons of kemocite ore. This supply was due to be transferred to the USS Voyager, after the decision was made to abandon the Equinox. (VOY: "Equinox")
As of 2401, canisters of processed kemocite were stored on Daystrom Station. (PIC: "The Bounty")
Kemocite was spelled as "kemacite" in "Little Green Men" and in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 412. It was presumed by the authors of the reference work that kemocite and kemacite were the "same fine product".
In the final draft script of "The Shipment", kemocite was likened to chalk.
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