

For additional meanings of "Kumari", please see Kumari.

For the 24th-century Talarian warship, please see Q'Maire.

"From what I saw, she was a fine ship with a good crew."

The Kumari was an Andorian battle cruiser that was in service with the Andorian Imperial Guard during the mid-22nd century. It was named after the first ice-cutter to circumnavigate Andoria, and was the first starship of her class.


The Kumari was put under the command of Commander Shran in 2142. (ENT: "Babel One", "United")

The Kumari was capable of speeds in excess of warp five and was armed with advanced weaponry and a tractor beam. In 2154, the ship had a crew complement of eighty-six. (ENT: "Proving Ground", "Babel One")

Calindra System

The Kumari in the Calindra system

In December 2153, the Kumari entered the Delphic Expanse in search of the Earth starship Enterprise NX-01. After spending several weeks following Enterprise's warp trail, the Kumari rendered assistance in capturing a Xindi prototype weapon. It was only discovered later that the Andorians intended to take the weapon for themselves, though Enterprise's captain, Jonathan Archer, prevented Shran from doing so by detonating the prototype. The Kumari escaped destruction, but suffered heavy damage. (ENT: "Proving Ground")

On February 14, 2154, the Kumari was able to detect the Xindi weapon on its way to Earth through a subspace vortex and followed it, arriving shortly after the weapon and Degra's ship. On Shran's orders, the Kumari provided cover for Degra's ship against Commander Dolim's Xindi-Reptilian warship, enabling Archer and an away team to board the weapon and destroy it, saving the Earth. While Archer was on the weapon, the Kumari continued to engage Dolim's ship and ultimately destroyed it by firing on its unshielded starboard engine. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

Andorian fleet

Kumari and Enterprise lead the Andorian fleet

Later that year, the Kumari was assigned to lead a covert task force of five warships inside a nebula, monitoring local space. Attempting to warn Shran of the Vulcan intent to invade Andoria, Enterprise located the Kumari with the help of Vulcan Ambassador Soval. Though Shran was initially reluctant to trust Soval and the Enterprise crew, he eventually agreed to pass their information on to the Imperial Guard. While the Imperial Guard ultimately agreed to redeploy its forces to counter the invasion, the Kumari was but only one ship in a small and hastily deployed fleet consisting of Enterprise and five other Andorian vessels. The fleet, however, succeeded in holding off a dozen Vulcan cruisers at the Battle of Andoria long enough for Archer, back on Vulcan, to provide information leading to the removal of Administrator V'Las, leader of the Vulcan High Command and main proponent of the invasion. The Kumari drew fire away from Enterprise on at least one occasion during the battle. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

While escorting the Andorian ambassador to a trade conference on Babel in November 2154, the Kumari was destroyed by a Romulan drone ship posing as a Tellarite vessel. Only nineteen of the eighty-six crew members, including Shran and Lieutenant Talas, managed to get away in escape pods. They were later rescued by Enterprise, where Shran and Archer held a toast to the ship, commenting on the futures of both of their ships. (ENT: "Babel One", "United")

Regarding the introduction of the Kumari in the teaser of "Babel One", a stage direction in the episode's script noted, "Although we're on the Bridge of an Andorian ship, we can't really tell where we are."

Kumari personnel[]



The 2005 ebook The Future Begins mentions the Federation ship USS Kumari (β), which was named for this vessel, much as Shran predicted would happen in "United".

Star Trek: Fleet Command features the Kumari as a level 24 3* battleship.

Set in 2409, Star Trek Online features a combat ship named for the Kumari.

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