
Leonian poker

Leonian poker on the Karma Barge

Leonian poker game on the Karma Barge

Leonian poker cards

Leonian poker cards

Leonian poker was a variety of poker played in the 32nd century.

Leonian poker was the traditional way of resolving disputes between couriers. When they worked together as couriers in 3188, Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker hustled others at the game by signaling each other across the table, particularly at Schaefer Colony. Burnham acknowledged that Booker was a much better player than she was.

In 3190, Burnham, Booker, and Emerald Chain holdouts Mat'trub and Zakari played Leonian poker on the Karma Barge for Haz Mazaro's stock of isolynium. Burnham and Booker cooperated to deny the other two players, after which Booker won the isolynium with a flush to Burnham's straight. However, Burnham had anticipated her loss and hidden a tracker on the isolynium beforehand. (DIS: "All In")