Lorin was the security minister of the Prytt. She was the head of the Prytt Security Ministry in 2370.
She ordered the kidnapping of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher because she suspected them of conspiring with the Kes, the enemy of the Prytt. Picard and Crusher were fitted with psi-wave devices that the Prytt used to secure information. When the two escaped, Lorin sent security forces to kill them and threatened to attack the USS Enterprise-D.
Confronted by the Galaxy-class starship's firepower, which was superior to Prytt capabilities, and informed by Commander William T. Riker that Starfleet would investigate anything that happened to Picard and Crusher and that the investigation would make the reclusive and xenophobic Prytt very uncomfortable, Lorin acquiesced, as her people would blame her for such an intrusion. Picard and Crusher were returned to the Enterprise unharmed. (TNG: "Attached")
Lorin was played by actress Lenore Kasdorf.
She was described in the final draft script as "a tall, elegant, woman dressed in sleek military regalia." [1] In the first draft script she is named Xoht.
Her costume from this episode was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)