

Luaran was a female Vorta of the 24th century Dominion. She served as the commander of a Jem'Hadar attack ship during the Dominion War.

In 2375, Luaran's ship docked at the Kelvas facility to be fitted with a Breen energy-dampening weapon. She was on the bridge when a Cardassian Rebellion team, consisting of Elim Garak, Kira Nerys, Rusot and Damar infiltrated the bridge, claiming Kira was a high-level Starfleet prisoner of war. In reality, they were going to steal the ship with the Breen weapon. Odo entered the bridge, impersonating the Female Changeling. Odo casually took one of the Jem'Hadar weapons for inspection and offered to let Garak see it. He promptly killed Luaran and the Jem'Hadar soldiers on the bridge.

Afterward, Kira impersonated Luaran after her death through the intercom of the ship. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")


Background information[]

Luaran was played by Kitty Swink.

Swink had earlier played the Bajoran character Rozahn, but she found the Vorta makeup more difficult to endure. She commented, "the contact lenses drove me nuts! And it is a lot more appliance than the Bajoran nose. But compared to the folks who did it all the time and especially compared to the Cardassians, I had it easy". A positive for Swink was filming with friends, as she commented, "Sadly, Armin and I never worked together, though we have happily done so, both on stage and on camera, many times. But shooting with friends is always delightful, so that is what I remember from doing DS9. The joy of collaborating with pals. That, and the fact that Andy Robinson killed me!" [1]

Luaran also appeared in the game Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen in which Swink voiced the character. She commented, "It was great. Kris Zimmerman, one of animation's best directors and a terrific Human being, was in the booth. And right before me, recording that day, was Paul Eiding. He did an episode of TNG and he is one of my favorite people. As are his wife and daughters. He was also doing a Vorta. Kris asked, 'Can you tell us anything about this species?' And I told him just what Jeff Combs told me before I auditioned for my Vorta character on DS9. 'They're obsequious and evil.'" [2]

Luaran also appears in the novel The Battle of Betazed and the eBook Malefictorum.

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