

L Playa

Playa playing a lute

A lute was a variety of stringed musical instrument found in several different cultures, including Humans, Vulcans, Edosians, and Bajorans.

Its music was considered a suitable accompaniment for (and therefore symbolic representation of) peaceful actions rather than war. In 2267, while opining his belief that man was not meant for paradise, James T. Kirk suggested that "maybe we can't stroll to the music of the lute. We must march to the sound of drums." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

In 2381, the Hysperian minstrel L. Playa on the Monaveen strummed his lute to jam Sam Rutherford's combadge, so as to prevent him from warning Andy Billups about his mother's plot to have him lose his virginity. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")


String instruments
CelloDouble bassEsrajSarangiViolaViolin
Appalachian dulcimerBalalaikaBanjoClassical guitarDouble guitarGuitarHarpKitharaKlingon guitarLuteLyreMandolinSpanish guitarVulcan lute

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