

Geordi playing mandolin

La Forge plays the mandolin...

Worf smashes Geordi's mandolin

...but Worf was not a fan

A mandolin was a small, stringed guitar-like instrument.

When Q abducted the senior staff of the USS Enterprise-D in 2367 and displaced them into a Sherwood Forest-like environment, Geordi La Forge played the role of Alan-a-Dale.

Completely in character, he tried to play the mandolin, very much to the dislike of Worf, who smashed the instrument into bits and pieces, although he did apologize. (TNG: "Qpid")

String instruments
CelloDouble bassEsrajSarangiViolaViolin
Appalachian dulcimerBalalaikaBanjoClassical guitarDouble guitarGuitarHarpKitharaKlingon guitarLuteLyreMandolinSpanish guitarVulcan lute

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