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A manual aboard Enterprise NX-01

T'Pol's manuals in her quarters
A manual or handbook was a work of literature that instructed one on proper procedures.
Manuals were in use aboard the NX-class starship Enterprise. T'Pol had several technical manuals on the desk in her quarters. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
Hoshi Sato had a manual next to her communications station on the bridge and Trip Tucker next to his engineering station. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident", "Civilization", "Fortunate Son")
Several different manuals of Enterprise were later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X) [2](X) [3](X) [4](X)
In 2267, Khan Noonien Singh noted that starships possessed one luxury which the manuals failed to mention - a beautiful woman. (TOS: "Space Seed")
In 2378, the USS Voyager's Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres described the deep space probe Friendship 1 as being practically a how-to manual. (VOY: "Friendship One")
While debriefing on the harrowing experience that brought the USS Discovery to the 32nd century with the holos at Federation Headquarters, Ensign Sylvia Tilly rhetorically joked "Ask me if any of this was in the handbook." The holo immediately asked, to which Tilly seriously replied "no." (DIS: "Die Trying")
Types of manuals[]
- Animal training manual
- CTP Training Manual
- Course manual
- Handbook of Exobiology
- Instruction and maintenance manual
- Manual on Penal Colony procedures
- Starfleet Handbook on Personal Relationships
- Starfleet Officer's Manual
- Technical manual