
A map of a city on the Akaali homeworld in 2151.
A map was a diagrammatic representation usually of an area of land, sea, or space which showed features such as cities, roads, buildings, geographical features, and other landmarks or structures. Maps could also show the names of territories and who owned them, as well as the locations of military forces such as fleets. Star charts were maps which showed features such as stars, planets, star systems, sectors, spatial anomalies, and other celestial objects.
A map could also exist of non-geographical objects such as the humanoid brain. (DS9: "The Passenger")
In 2153, Jonathan Archer and T'Pol time traveled to 2004 Detroit. A map from 2002 was the closest T'Pol could find in the Starfleet database, though Archer stated the layout shouldn't have changed much over two years. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")