When the Enterprise is the target of a mysterious futile attack, Captain Picard and crew find themselves in a mind-control mystery! Will Deanna Troi's empathic abilities prove to be an asset-or a deadly liability? From the creative team that brought you the hit Klingons: Blood Will Tell miniseries, Scott & David Tipton and David Messina.
Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.
Background information[]
The story follows directly on from the events of the previous issue.
The issue sold an estimated 7,448 copies in comic specialty stores in April 2008. [1] These figures do not cover copies sold on the direct market (bookstores, etc.).
Special thanks to Paula Block of CBS Consumer Products for her invaluable assistance.
Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in IDW TNG characters.