
Michael Stradling (Lieutenant)

Michael Stradling was a Starfleet officer during the 24th century.

In 2353, Stradling was listed as a Starfleet Operational Support Services officer on a directory for Starbase 32, Maxia sector. His office was located in room #65154. (TNG: "Violations", directory)

In 2371, he was listed as a Research and Development officer on the dedication plaque of the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Caretaker", dedication plaque) Later that year, he was among the crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant, when Voyager was forcefully brought there by the Caretaker. In that year, his name was listed on a crew manifest. (VOY: "Projections", crew manifest)

In 2372, as a lieutenant, he was listed on the Planetary Geosciences Division duty roster. (VOY: "Parturition")

This character was only mentioned in writing.