Unnamed ISS Discovery personnel

Unnamed Starfleet personnel assigned to the ISS Discovery during the 23rd century.

Captain []

The former captain of the ISS Discovery was assassinated by Sylvia Tilly while recovering from the Crestian flu. (DIS: "Despite Yourself")

This character was only mentioned in writing.

Commanding officers of the starships Discovery
USS Discovery: LorcaGeorgiouPikeSaru
USS Discovery-A: SaruBurnham
ISS Discovery: UnnamedTilly

Engineer []

ISS Discovery engineer

An engineer

This engineer served on the ISS Discovery in 2255. He was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Engineer #2 []

ISS Discovery engineer 2

An engineer

This engineer served on the ISS Discovery in 2255. He was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Medical crew []

ISS Discovery medical crewmember

A medical crewmember

This medical crewmember served on the Discovery in 2255. She was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Operations crewmember []

ISS Discovery crewmember 2

A crewmember

This operations crewmember served on the ISS Discovery in 2255. She was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

She was later working on the bridge when the Discovery intercepted Duggan's ship. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 2")

Sciences crewmember []

ISS Discovery crewmember 1

A sciences crewmember

This sciences crewmember served on the ISS Discovery in 2255. She was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Sciences crewmember 2[]

ISS Discovery sciences crewmember

A sciences crewmember

This sciences crewmember served on the ISS Discovery in 2255. She was present when Emperor Philippa Georgiou visited the ship for the commissioning ceremony of the ISS Charon. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Security officer 1 []

ISS Discovery security guard 1

A security officer

... (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1", "Terra Firma, Part 2")

This officer was portrayed by Phi Huynh. He received no credit for his appearance.

Security officer 2 []

... (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1", "Terra Firma, Part 2")

This officer was portrayed by Greg Leach. He received no credit for his appearance.