

Ekosian missile launch

An Ekosian missile

A missile was a self-powered guided projectile weapon employed by several species. Missiles could be launched from starships or the surface of planets.

By Earth's 20th century missiles were the predominant weapon long range warfare. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth"; Star Trek: First Contact)

In 2268, the USS Enterprise was attacked unsuccessfully with an interplanetary thermonuclear missile. This Ekosian missile was launched from the surface of the planet Ekos. During the same year, the Enterprise came under attack from the asteroid-ship Yonada, which launched a spread of six archaic chemically-fueled missiles at the Enterprise. In both cases the primitive sublight missiles were easily destroyed with phasers. (TOS: "Patterns of Force", "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky")

Ferengi missile

A Ferengi missile

The Ferengi D'Kora-class marauders of the 24th century were equipped with at least two forward missile launchers. DaiMon Goss's Ferengi marauder fired a missile at the Barzan wormhole, not taking into account that the weapon would have no effect whatsoever on the wormhole. (TNG: "The Price")

The Kataan probe was launched into space on a missile, in the vicinity of the village Ressik. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

In 2371, Dr. Tolian Soran had stolen trilithium from the Romulans for use in a missile that he had planned to fire at the Veridian sun from the surface of Veridian III to destroy the star in order to make the Nexus come to him. (Star Trek Generations)

In 2373, the Maquis who had survived the assault on them by the Dominion, including Rebecca Sullivan, faked a supposed missile launch against Cardassia to let Michael Eddington know they were safe on Athos IV. Benjamin Sisko and Martok took this very seriously, as they knew the Dominion would start a war if the weapons hit Cardassian targets. There were also fears they were using the cloaking devices the Klingons had given to the Maquis. Sisko enlisted Eddington's help in disarming the supposed missiles and the former Maquis leader accompanied him to Athos IV, where Sisko discovered the truth. (DS9: "Blaze of Glory")

In 2387, the Romulan mining vessel Narada was armed with advanced missiles that separated into numerous smaller projectiles when approaching a target. These weapons were used to deadly effect during the Narada's incursion into the alternate reality, most notably during the destruction of Vulcan. (Star Trek)

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