

For another shuttlecraft with the registry NCC-1701

12, please see Copernicus (2269).

NCC-1701⁄12 was a Federation shuttlecraft that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-23rd century, attached to the USS Enterprise.

In 2269, when the Enterprise was studying a class M planet orbiting a binary sun, Harry Mudd stole Shuttlecraft 12 with Nurse Christine Chapel as a hostage. On the planet's surface, he intended to strand her forcing the Enterprise's crew to rescue her while he escaped in the shuttle. His plan backfired when a native rock beast crushed the vehicle with one of its feet. (TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

Shuttles of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
Stamets-type: CervantesShuttlecraft 7Unnamed
Class F: NCC-1701⁄2NCC-1701⁄6 • NCC-1701⁄7 (2267, 2267–2268, 2269) • NCC-1701⁄9
NCC-1701⁄3-type: NCC-1701⁄3NCC-1701⁄4NCC-1701⁄12
Aqua-shuttle: NCC-1701\5A Copernicus-type: NCC-1701⁄12 Unknown: Unnamed


Background information[]

NCC-1701⁄3 and NCC-1701⁄4 also seen in the Enterprise's shuttlebay were of the same design as NCC-1701⁄12.

There was no name for this shuttle printed on the hull, and was only referred to as "shuttlecraft" in the episode dialogue.

The shuttle was labeled as N.C.C.⁄1701⁄12 or N.C.C.-1701⁄12 in some scenes.

The Copernicus, which later appeared in "The Slaver Weapon", was presumably the replacement shuttle for this shuttle, since both craft shared the same registry number.

External link[]