NCC-73918 was the registry number of a 24th century Federation Danube-class runabout operated by Starfleet.
In 2375, Kira Nerys, Odo, and Elim Garak used it to enter Cardassian space to assist the Cardassian Rebellion. (DS9: "When It Rains...") Along with Damar and Rusot, they later rendezvoused with a Cardassian shuttle. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")
The name of NCC-73918 appears to be named the USS Parana when the ship appeared on screen – just the registry was legible on the bow.
Runabouts |
Danube-class: USS Gander • USS Ganges • USS Mekong • USS Orinoco • USS Rio Grande • USS Rubicon • USS Shenandoah • USS Volga • USS Yangtzee Kiang • USS Yukon • NCC-73918 • Unnamed |
Yellowstone-class: USS Yellowstone |