"They take over the blood cell functions. Like a virus."

Borg nanoprobes
Nanoprobes were microscopic robotic devices used by the Borg for the primary purpose of assimilation, as well as to help maintain and even repair their mechanical and biological components on a microscopic level.

Nanoprobes assimilating blood cells
Injected into a target's bloodstream via assimilation tubules, the nanoprobes immediately began to take over the host cells' functions. To ensure that the target could tolerate the nanoprobes, stabilizing metals such as lithium ions were also injected. Nanoprobes could also be modified for a variety of medical and technical tasks. (VOY: "Scorpion"; PIC: "Mercy")
Once established, the nanoprobes would form rudimentary implants on the victim's body, such as the face or hands, and continue the assimilation process. Each drone's nanoprobes had a unique encoding sequence. When fully matured, a drone's body may contain up to 3.6 million nanoprobes. (Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "The Raven", "One", "Inside Man")
When injected into artificial components, such as an ship's Electro-plasma system, or computer console, nanoprobes could be quick to cannibalize these systems into new Borg controlled components, creating new relays, computer systems, and alcoves seemingly out of thin air. However, the nanoprobes were only as effective as the raw materials they came into contact with. In 2024, the Borg Queen, controlling Agnes Jurati's body, consumed several automobile batteries and used the metals to produce new nanoprobes. As these nanoprobes were created from imperfect materials, the assimilation process they effected was also imperfect. (ENT: "Regeneration"; VOY: "Drone"; PIC: "Mercy")
Capabilities and limitations[]

Nano probes repairing the damaged cells of a Borg
Nanoprobes could be modified to perform a wide array of functions that their host drones desire. First and foremost, nanoprobes would be utilized to main a drone's functions, and facilitate any repairs, should the biological or technological components be damaged. In one case, nanoprobes were able to repair and revive drones buried in ice for over one hundred years. In another case, nanoprobes were able to revive an unassimilated individual eighteen hours after death. Nanoprobes could be further modified to eliminate toxins and repair damages to unassimilated individuals and environments affected by radiation poisoning. (ENT: "Regeneration"; VOY: "Scorpion", "Mortal Coil", "Friendship One", "Someone to Watch Over Me")
In 2374, the EMH onboard the USS Voyager was able to modify nanoprobes as an offensive weapon against Species 8472. He reprogrammed them to mimic the alien cells' electrochemical signatures, so that they could evade detection by Species 8472's immune systems while continuing to assimilate. They did not assimilate Species 8472, however. Rather, they disintegrated along with the cells they attached to. These nanoprobes could be delivered inside a photon torpedo or along a phaser beam. (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", "Prey")
In 2153, when Borg drones attempted to assimilate Doctor Phlox of Enterprise NX-01, his Denobulan immune system was able to fight off the nanoprobes long enough for him to discover that they were vulnerable to omicron particles. However the scale of the radiation dose required to destroy every nanoprobe in his body in one blast before they could adapt to the treatment meant that this method could not be used against the assimilation process on a larger scale, Phlox only surviving due to the immune system that allowed him to resist them for so long. (ENT: "Regeneration")

A Ferengi graphic of nanoprobes
By 2371, Borg nanoprobes had found their way onto the black markets of Alpha Quadrant species. In one such case, a nanoprobe was injected into the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) after he was captured by and tortured by Tolian Soran. That nanoprobe was later removed, by Dr. Beverly Crusher. (Star Trek Generations)
The novel Star Trek Generations explains the nanoprobe that Crusher removed was a Borg nanoprobe put in La Forge's heart by Soran to stop it at will.
In 2377, Borg nanoprobes were worth six bars of latinum each on the open market. In that year, Ferengi marauders attempted to obtain Seven of Nine's nanoprobes by perpetrating an elaborate scheme in which a reprogrammed hologram of Reginald Barclay would bring Voyager to them through a geodesic fold, with the effect of killing the entire crew due to the radiation they were exposed to while traversing the fold. (VOY: "Inside Man")