

Nausicaa was an inhabited planet in the Nausicaa system. This planet was located in the Beta Quadrant and was the homeworld of the Nausicaan species.

In 2151, Matthew Ryan suggested that, if Enterprise NX-01 delivered a Nausicaan prisoner back to Nausicaa, the Nausicaans would probably give the returned captive a medal. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

In 2327, Ensign Jean-Luc Picard initiated a bar fight with a group of Nausicaans by insulting, among other things, their planet. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare")


Background information[]

In the first draft script of "Fortunate Son", Admiral Forrest notified Captain Archer that Starfleet had filed a complaint with Nausicaa, regarding Nausicaan pirates operating in a particular sector of space, but that the Nausicaan government was, according to the Vulcans, in a constant mode of "transition."


According to the RPG sourcebook Planets of the UFP, Nausicaa was the third planet in its system.

A star chart seen in PIC Season 3 depicted a location named Nausciaa. This is likely a typo.

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