Norway class
The Norway-class was a type of Federation starship in service with Starfleet during the 2370s.
Armament included a phaser emitter mounted on the dorsal bow. The keel of the ship class resembled the hull of the Defiant-class.
In 2373, at least four Norway-class vessels saw action at the Battle of Sector 001. (Star Trek: First Contact)
Ships of the class[]
- Named
Name | Registry | Notes | Status | Date |
USS Budapest | NCC-64923 | Active | 2373 |
- Unnamed
- Star Trek: First Contact
- DS9: "Favor the Bold" (LCARS graphic)
- VOY: "In the Flesh" (LCARS graphic)
Background information[]
Studio model[]
The Norway-class starship was one of the four CGI models designed by Alex Jaeger, once referred to by him as being "Voyager–esque", for the Battle of Sector 001 in Star Trek: First Contact. (American Cinematographer, December 1996, p. 70) A single CGI rendering of the model was featured in the reference book Star Trek: The Next Generation Sketchbook: The Movies (p. 122). During pre-production of the film, the producers approved alternative backups for ship names and registries. The ship scale sheet showing the back-up names and registries can be found on John Eaves' blog. The CGI model of the Norway-class was constructed at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) by Larry Tan and Paul Theren, executed in the Electric Image software for animation, and Form-Z software for the model itself. [1](X)
One year later, ILM was requested by Paramount Pictures to hand over their CGI models made for First Contact – the Norway amongst them – to Digital Muse for reprogramming in the LightWave 3D software, in preparation for use in the upcoming Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season six episode "Sacrifice of Angels", but the Norway design was never again featured. One of the apparent factors for the model of the Norway not appearing in later productions following First Contact, was according to DS9 Visual Effects Supervisor David Stipes at the conclusion of Deep Space Nine's sixth season, that "the Norway needs to be resurfaced and modified," further stating that it "may be done on later episodes." [2] This was apparently never completed, and, as rumor had it, the CGI files for the Norway were either lost [3] or corrupted [4], the latter the more likely as it was something Stipes himself hinted at in an earlier blog entry, "I believe we removed the Norway-class for technical reasons". Stipes made that comment on the occasion of the Deep Space Nine season five finale episode "Call to Arms", where Jaeger's other designs made their first reappearance in a live-action production. Unlike his three other ship designs, this made First Contact the only CGI appearance of the Norway design in the live-action franchise.
Though the class has never appeared on-screen again as a model since Star Trek: First Contact, it did re-appear as a display graphic in "Favor the Bold" and "In the Flesh". The latter display prop, which clearly reads "Norway-class", was later sold as Lot 5213 Lot 5213 (X) in the August 2007 It's A Wrap! sale and auction for US $2,025. The Deep Space Nine transparency was lifted from Doug Drexler's art he made for representation of the class in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual (p. 154).

Passaro's digital model on the cover of The Official Starships Collection
Representations of the Norway-class were for the aforementioned reasons conspicuously absent from any later official franchise publications and/or productions until 2015; for the British partwork publication Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, a new CGI model had to be constructed from the ground up for representation in that publication – adhering to the specifications as given in the Deep Space Nine Technical Manual – , a chore that was handled by Digital Modeler Fabio Passaro, giving fans finally a detailed close-up look at the hitherto ethereal starship class. [5][6]
In the magazine, the upper side of the ship shows the six mentioned phaser cannons, but looking at the underside, there are three additional phaser cannons on the underside, one being lighted with the bit NCC-64923 at the front, and two at the back-edges near the position-lights, as well as a possible fourth one right between the hangar-doors, giving the Norway-class at least nine instead of six phaser-cannons, when comparing the naming of the armament in the overview-page with the underside of the ship.
Technical Manual[]
The following specifications and defenses come from the reference book Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual (p. 154):
- Production Base: ASDB Integration Section, Spacedock 1, Earth
- Type: Medium Cruiser
- Accommodation: 190 officers and crew; 500 personnel evacuation limit
- Power Plant: One 1,500 plus Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles; one impulse system
- Dimensions: Length, 364.77 meters; beam, 225.61 meters; height, 52.48 meters
- Mass: 622,000 metric tons
- Performance: Warp 9.7 for 12 hours
- Armament: Six type-10 phaser emitters; two photon torpedo launchers
In the video game Star Trek: Starfleet Command III, it was stated that a Norway-class starship had a crew complement of 337 personnel, including three passengers and fourteen dependents.
- Norway-class ship names in Starfleet Command III:
- USS Aliyah
- USS Assawari
- USS De Ruyter
- USS Defence
- USS Glorie
- USS Groton
- USS Iowa
- USS Kortenauer
- USS Medina
- USS Meko
- USS Michigan
- USS Mikasa
- USS Missouri
- USS Naken
- USS North Carolina
- USS Norway
- USS Olympia
- USS Pervenetz
- USS Piorun
- USS Vosper
- USS Warspite
It also appeared in Star Trek: Legacy as a playable starship class. The player could use up to four ships of the class on their fleet: USS Budapest NCC-64923, USS Anderson NCC-64926, USS Albany NCC-64930, and USS Belair NCC-64933.
It's also a playable ship in Star Trek Online.
The DS9 novel Sacraments of Fire established that the Norway-class remained in service in the 2380s, with the USS Mjolnir (β) patrolling the Federation border in the Helaspont sector (β) in 2385.
The novella Olympus Descending in Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stated that Norway-class starships have large shuttlebays that can house short and long-range shuttlecraft, shuttlepods, work bees, support modules, maintenance platforms, and Danube-class runabouts.
Further reading[]
- Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, issue 61, December 2015
External link[]
- Norway class at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works