

Quark receives oo-mox from Emi

Quark receives oo-mox from Emi

Oo-mox was the act of massaging a Ferengi's ears (or "lobes"); there was no translation for the word. Because the Ferengi ear was a major erogenous zone, massaging the ears caused extreme pleasure and relaxation. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

Oo-mox, though pleasurable, could also have dangers. It could be very distracting for a Ferengi and may often be employed by females or males of other species in order to distract a Ferengi during negotiations or to coerce him into an action he would otherwise avoid. (DS9: "Facets") Such was the case in an early, unofficial encounter in 2151, when T'Pol performed oo-mox on Krem only to incapacitate him with a Vulcan nerve pinch. (ENT: "Acquisition")

When Intendant Kira Nerys massaged Zek's earlobes, at his request she employed the specific technique of tugging at his ear hairs. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")

Oo-mox could also be employed for other reasons, notably as a means to an end. The book Oo-mox for Fun and Profit played on this tendency. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")

Some wealthy Ferengi employed females specifically for the purpose of providing oo-mox on demand. Despite the semi-erotic nature of the act the females could perform this service in public as an overt demonstration that their employer could afford such a luxury. (DS9: "Family Business"; VOY: "False Profits")

When Quark, Nog, and Rom traveled back in time to 1947 Earth, Nog tricked Nurse Garland into giving him oo-mox. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

In 2369, Beverly Crusher performed oo-mox on DaiMon Solok's lobes so she, Worf, and Jean-Luc Picard could gain passage on his ship to discreetly travel to the Cardassian planet Celtris III. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part I")

Vash had knowledge of how to perform oo-mox. She gave Quark oo-mox when negotiating who got the profits from an auction the two organized. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Lwaxana Troi told Odo that she made love with and gave Oo-mox to DaiMon Tog while being held hostage on his ship in 2366. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi", DS9: "The Forsaken")

In DS9: "Bar Association" Rom confesses that he has had too much oo-mox by himself. This seemed to be one of the few references to masturbation in the history of Star Trek.

According to the script for "Bar Association", oo-mox was pronounced as "00-mox". [1]


  • Auditory nerve nibble
  • Eustachian tube rub
  • Quadruple lobe rub
  • Tympanic tickle

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