
Orellius Minor

Classified as an F-type star, Orellius Minor was the primary of the Orellius system. This Alpha Quadrant system was near the Bajoran system but far from any trade routes as of the 2360s. It was orbited by at least one planet, Orellius.

In 2370, Commander Benjamin Sisko and Chief Miles O'Brien encountered an uncharted Human colony on Orellius. Alixus, the leader of the colony, attempted to destroy their runabout, the USS Rio Grande, by sending it into Orellius Minor. However, as the trajectory was off, the gravity flux of the star deflected the runabout. The runabout was later spotted in open space by the Romulan vessel Gasko. (DS9: "Paradise")

According to the script, Orellius was pronounced as "ohr-REHL-ee-uhs". [1]

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