For the 24th century Orion male, please see Syraa.
"My ancestors knew that power is virtue, and there is no nobility in suffering. You do what it takes to get what you need, or you don’t."
Osyraa was a female Orion and the leader of the Emerald Chain in the late 32nd century.
Prior to 3189, following Ryn's attempt to rally the people to rebel against Osyraa, she had his antennae hacked off and sent him to her nephew's salvage yard on Hunhau, where he was forced to implant control devices on the slave laborers, becoming a pariah. (DIS: "Scavengers")
In 3189, after learning of Emerald Chain vessels encroaching on the Sigma Draconis system, Fleet Admiral Vance noted that Osyraa was becoming "more brazen by the day." (DIS: "Die Trying")
Several weeks later, Osyraa directed the Emerald Chain toward Argeth, a Federation planet, for reasons unknown to Starfleet. (DIS: "Scavengers")
Following the destruction of Hunhau's salvage yard, she met up with her nephew Tolor in the debris. There, Osyraa was told that by Tolor that all his workers, including Ryn and Cleveland Booker, had escaped. She decided to punish her nephew by feeding him to a Trance worm. Osyraa left aboard her flagship, the Viridian, and took it to Kwejian. There, she withheld the sea locust repellant from the Kwejian. Osyraa forced Steward Kyheem of the Sanctuary to contact his brother, Cleveland Booker in order to get Ryn back. Osyraa returned to Kwejian with the Viridian, where she encountered the Federation starship, the USS Discovery. Osyraa contacted Discovery's captain, Saru and demanded that he surrender Ryn to her for his crimes. When Saru refused, she threatened to destroy Kwejian. Osyraa contacted Kyheem, who told that he had Booker. Despite that, Osyraa changed her deal and demanded that in addition to Booker, Kyheem would give her Discovery's Chief Science Officer, Michael Burnham. Kyheem refused until Osyraa opened fired on the Sanctuary and she would destroy 10 hectares every minute of delay. However, the Viridian was disabled by Booker's ship flown by Lieutenant Keyla Detmer and Ryn. When Captain Saru offered her assistance, she refused, and told him that the Federation would feel the full weight of the Chain. (DIS: "The Sanctuary")
Eventually Osyraa confronted the Discovery again while in command of the warship Viridian at the Verubin Nebula. After a brief exchange of dialogue with acting captain Sylvia Tilly, she hijacked the ship once a shockwave, inadvertently caused by Su'Kal almost causing another Burn, knocked out the cloaking devices and shields of both ships. (DIS: "Su'Kal")
Osyraa gained access to Federation Headquarters by piloting Discovery towards Headquarters while the Viridian fired its weapons at it. Discovery was eventually let into Headquarters where Osyraa forced a meeting upon Admiral Charles Vance to discus an alliance between the Chain and the Federation. However, she broke up the talks when Vance said the only way the Federation would accept the alliance was if Osyraa faced justice for her crimes. Osyraa refused and returned to Discovery. However, she discovered that the senior staff, thanks to Ryn disabling the sensors, were attempting to retake control of Discovery. She demanded Ryn to restore the sensors. Ryn refused and Osyraa killed him. (DIS: "There Is A Tide...")
Osyraa attempted to destroy Federation Headquarters. She also had the Viridian open fire on the distortion field so Osyraa could escape with Discovery to Base 755. She was unable to use Discovery's spore drive due to Burnham's evacuation of Stamets. She was killed by Burnham's phaser during personal combat in Discovery's data core. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")
External link[]
Osyraa at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works