

Purple shoes

Molly wearing purple shoes

Data (Purple Universe)

A purple version of Data

Bradward Boimler

Boimler's purple hair

Purple was a color.

Purple omelettes were made with grape juice and eggs. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

On Federation star charts in the 23rd century, the color purple was used for the Tzenkethi territory and locations. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

In 2368, Timothy claimed that the people who attacked the SS Vico in a black cluster wore purple helmets. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

In 2371, upon seeing the seas of Earth and becoming homesick for their own planets, Jadzia Dax wished they were more purple, while Kira Nerys wished they were greener. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I")

In 2373, Molly O'Brien wore her new purple shoes for her father Miles O'Brien. A Pah-Wraith possessing Keiko O'Brien told Miles and asked if Molly looked pretty. He agreed. (DS9: "The Assignment")

Also that year, after Kathryn Janeway had apparently died, Harry Kim recalled eating overripe fruit until his hands and mouth were purple. The captain's mouth was similarly stained. (VOY: "Coda")

In 2376, after being assured by B'Elanna Torres that he'd be able to mimic the appearance of whatever species lived on Kelemane's planet, The Doctor asked what he would do if they were "big, purple blobs of protoplasm". Janeway assured him he'd be "the best looking blob on the planet". (VOY: "Blink of an Eye")

It was revealed in one of Brad Boimler's personal logs that he dyed his hair purple, keeping his true hair color a secret from everyone. (LD: "Grounded")

In 2382, an alternate, purple-colored USS Enterprise-D from a "slightly more purple" alternate reality crossed over into the prime universe via a quantum fissure. Additionally, the purple head of that reality's Data was recovered from a crashed shuttlecraft on Dilmer III and, ultimately, sent back to the purple Enterprise by the USS Cerritos via a torpedo casing. After learning that the Enterprise was just a neutral gray in the prime universe, Data remarked, "That seems like a missed opportunity when purple is an option." (LD: "Fully Dilated")

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