

The R'ongovians were a spacefaring humanoid species native to R'ongovia in the Beta Quadrant. They were distinguished by striped hairless skin, blue and yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and pointed ears. Their government was the R'ongovian Protectorate, which controlled a small but highly strategic region of space between the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire in the 23rd century. (SNW: "Spock Amok")


In 2259, the Tellarites established relations with the R'ongovians, who to that point were known for being "private". However, talks with Ambassador Q'Ral soon reached an impasse, and the R'ongovians then also began talks with the Klingons and the Romulans. The Federation placed a high priority on establishing an alliance first, as R'ongovian space represented the fastest and safest route to the other side of the quadrant.

The R'ongovians subsequently arrived at Starbase 1 to meet with Starfleet representatives. Their first session with Admiral Robert April and Captain Christopher Pike appeared to proceed well, but the R'ongovians were uninterested in further discussions with them, citing a lack of "connection". A second session between them and Lieutenant Spock also ran into difficulties, though Pike impressed the R'ongovians by defending Spock's place in Starfleet, enough that they permitted him a final summation before their departure.

Pike realized, from the R'ongovians' wildly varied responses to Tellarites, Humans, and Vulcans, that they appreciated radical empathy. Therefore, during the summation he showed that he understood their reservations about allying with the Federation by stating them outright: that the Federation was only interested in the R'ongovians for their territory, and that the hypothetical benefits of such an alliance would be outweighed by the potential cultural dilution and enmity that association with the Federation would bring. When the R'ongovians departed shortly after, they flew the flag of the Federation from their flagship, indicating their agreement to an alliance. (SNW: "Spock Amok")

Society and culture[]

R'ongovian flagship, sails unfurled

The R'ongovian flagship, a solar sailship, flying the R'ongovian flag from the ventral mast

R'ongovians believed empathy to be a hallmark of their people, which they demonstrated by listening to and mirroring the attitudes and perspectives of those with whom they spoke. In return, they valued those who were willing to express themselves from the R'ongovian point of view, and saw no purpose in continuing interactions with those who failed to form this connection.

The R'ongovian flagship was an antiquated solar sailship that was only brought out for ceremonial occasions. Per R'ongovian custom, after a treaty signing, the ship would fly the flag of their new allies as a tribute. (SNW: "Spock Amok")
