Radvek V
Radvek V, also known as the Radvek asteroid belt or the Radvek chain, was an asteroid belt located in a multiple star system, at coordinates 05.98787.35480.98. It consisted of a series of interconnected asteroids fitted with force field atmospheric domes, and was primarily inhabited by the Akaali.
Radvek V was formerly part of the Emerald Chain; though this was no longer the case by 3190, the colony there maintained the Emerald Chain tradition of deterring crime by choosing criminals who had committed minor offenses to make into "Examples" sentenced to life imprisonment. The Emerald Chain had also left behind land mines disguised as narisa beetles as a defense system. At that time the colony was ruled by a magistrate, and had a population of approximately 1,600.
In 3190, Radvek V was threatened with destruction as it was predicted to pass through the edge of the Dark Matter Anomaly's impact zone. The Federation organized an evacuation effort with multiple starships, led by Captain Michael Burnham of the USS Discovery. When the Federation fleet arrived, the colony had already launched all of its own ships with a quarter of its population, leaving 1,206 people to be rescued.
Despite the sentiments of the magistrate, Burnham was adamant on retrieving the six Examples from the colony prison as well. She and Cleveland Booker were able to free the prisoners, but one of them, Felix, insisted on staying behind as penance for having committed murder. Shortly after, Radvek V was pushed toward its sun by the DMA and incinerated. (DIS: "The Examples")
- See: Radvek V inhabitants