A year was the amount of time it took for a planet to orbit its sun. If the planet had an axial tilt, this resulted in seasons, like winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Barzanian year[]

The Federation's proposal, including payments of 100,000 credits each Barzanian year
A Barzanian year was a measure of time used on Barzan II by the Barzanian Planetary Republic, measuring a year – the amount of time it took the planet to orbit it's sun.
As part of the proposal for rights to the Barzan wormhole in 2366, the United Federation of Planets offered to lump sum payment of one and a half million Federation credits would be made upon conclusion of the agreement, with one hundred thousand additional credits each Barzanian year through stardate 53000. (TNG: "The Price")
Earth year[]
One Earth year was a span of time equal to 365.2425 Earth days.
Captain Jonathan Archer suggested that Bernadette Fuller was around seventy-five Earth years in 2151 while talking to Nadet. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
According to Doctor Phlox, Travis Mayweather was twenty-six Earth years during his autopsy in 2152. (ENT: "Dead Stop")
Standard UFP solar year[]
Standard UFP solar years were mentioned in the Treaty of Armens. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command", okudagram)
Travel time in years[]
It took the colony ship SS Conestoga nine years to get to the planet Terra Nova to form the Terra Nova colony in 2078. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
With a warp three engine, a cargo freighter could cut down a five-year cargo run down to six months. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
Background information[]
There was a reference to "terrestrial years" in dialogue in the revised final draft script of TOS: "The Conscience of the King". In the final version of that episode, however, this reference doesn't include the term "terrestrial".
Vulcan year: In Gene Roddenberry's novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture he indicated that nine Vulcan seasons were equal to 2.8 Earth years. This would make Vulcan's year 456 ± 33 Earth days long.
The term "turn", used in the episode "Sins of The Father", was, according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 528, "the English translation of the Klingon term for year, as in one turn (or revolution) of a planet around its sun."