
Automobiles driving down a New York City road

A Gorn standing in the middle of a road
A road was a thoroughfare built to allow for ease of travel. A public road was generally called a highway or street. There were also many other types of roads, such as, alleys, avenues, boardwalks, boulevards, drives, freeways, interstates, off-ramps, railroads, and tubes.
In 2022, when an alternate future version of James T. Kirk was discussing temporal mechanics with La'an Noonien-Singh, he told her that one way would lead to her timeline and the other way to his, a "fork in the road" as he described it. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")
In 2024, when Doctor Adam Soong was being told about his two possible futures, Agnes Jurati (who was actually possessed by the Borg Queen) told him he had reached the "proverbial fork in the road." (PIC: "Mercy")
In January 2154, when Trip was ready to use an Insectoid ship for a mission, he told Travis Mayweather "let's get this show on the road." (ENT: "Azati Prime")
In December of that same year; after the Columbia assisted the Enterprise during their mission into the Klingon Empire, Captain Hernandez said it's time for her to hit the road. (ENT: "Divergence")
In 2256, when Michael Burnham asked Captain Gabriel Lorca how a starship could travel on spores, he told her to imagine a microscopic web spanning the entire cosmos that functioned as an intergalactic ecosystem with infinite roads leading everywhere. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")
Following the revelation of the truth behind the Great Balance in 2257, Commander Saru asked his sister Siranna to come with him on the USS Discovery, but she told him she should remain behind with her people, telling him "there's a long road ahead." (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")
When former therapist Admiral Cornwell was giving a recently resurrected Doctor Culber some healthy advise about his love life, she told him "the only way to make a new road is to walk it." (DIS: "The Red Angel")
The poem "Saturn Rings" referred to a generic Martian road. (TOS: "Charlie X")
The planet that the Metrons had Captain James T. Kirk and the Gorn captain battle on had what appeared to be a road, which suggested that the world was either inhabited or once was. (TOS: "Arena")
During Benjamin Sisko's childhood or early adulthood, his father Joseph Sisko would often tell him "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
In 2365, when the USS Enterprise-D brought a version of Jean-Luc Picard from six hours in the future aboard, William T. Riker assumed that they might have already triggered a series of events that cannot be altered. Picard admitted that it was something far more complicated than a "rock in the road." Because of this, Picard worries that they might be on a road which has no turns. Later, after catching up to his point in time, Picard realized that he might have been sent back in time so that they could "take another road...make another choice." (TNG: "Time Squared")
Later that same year, the USS Enterprise-D explored the J-25 system. The sixth planet in that system was not only an M-class world, but it also had a system of roads. (TNG: "Q Who")
In 2370, Deanna Troi told Data a popular saying that Sigmund Freud said "dreams are the royal road to the knowledge of the mind." (TNG: "Phantasms")
In 2372, when Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres told Automated Unit 3947 that she didn't think she could make a power module that would allow the Automated Personnel Units to procreate, 3947 told her she had failed. She then asked him "Hey, do all you automated units give up the minute you hit a bump in the road?" (VOY: "Prototype")
When Janeway first went to the Q Continuum in 2372, it looked like a way station on a desert road, although the second time she went it looked like a scene from the American Civil War. (VOY: "Death Wish", "The Q and the Grey")
In 2376, on the holodeck on USS Voyager, when Michael Sullivan met Kathryn Janeway at a pub in Fair Haven, Janeway told him she was just passing through town, and he asked her how long she had been on the road. (VOY: "Fair Haven")
During the early industrial era, roads become commonplace on Kelemane's planet. (VOY: "Blink of an Eye")
Chakotay once recited to Captain Janeway a line from Dante's Inferno, and how he agreed with it, telling her that if you always see the road ahead of you, it is not always worth the trip. (VOY: "Shattered")
A Talaxian expression was "When the road before you splits in two, take the third path." (VOY: "Author, Author")
In 2380, when Ensigns Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner were searching for General K'orin in the Andorian district on Tulgana IV, an Andorian in a bathroom told Mariner that their missing Klingon was at a bar just down the road. (LD: "Envoys")
Captain Carol Freeman discussed the Betans with her daughter, Ensign Beckett Mariner, telling her that Starfleet considered them a known culture, yet they had no idea they had regressed as a society. She also told her how the Pakleds were never viewed as a threat by Starfleet since everyone felt they were a joke. Mariner then told her mother that "we can't keep assuming people are gonna keep doing the right thing a generation down the road." (LD: "No Small Parts")
In 2381, Lieutenant Dirk was trying to get Lieutenant junior grades Mariner, Tendi and Rutherford to believe a lie that he was trapped in a Wadi Chula game for a month. He pretended to be traumatized by the incident, telling them that Doctor Migleemo always told him that "acceptance is the road to healing." (LD: "In the Cradle of Vexilon")
On the bridge of the USS Titan, Captain Riker apologized for being late, because he was in the holodeck watching a holoprogram of the crew of the Enterprise-NX-01. He told his bridge officers that it was quite a story, and that "those guys had a long road getting from there to here." (LD: "No Small Parts")
In 2384, the Doctor wrote a holo-novel called The Mentor. At one point during this story the mentor helped an injured puppy cross the road. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")
In 2399, when Jean-Luc Picard was about to leave for his mission to find Soji Asha, Zhaban brought him a bag of food to take with him "for the road." (PIC: "The End is the Beginning")
On the planet Vashti, many roads and waterways were patrolled by the Qowat Milat, who were seeking to protect Romulan and Terran people alike. (PIC: "Absolute Candor")
At Château Picard in 2401, after Q seemingly transported Admiral Jean-Luc Picard to an alternate reality, Q told Picard that he had reached "the very end of the road not taken." (PIC: "The Star Gazer")
When Vadic's crew from the Shrike were in the process of taking over the USS Titan, she sealed the doors, thereby taking "the very road ahead of them." (PIC: "Surrender")
When Michael Burnham from the year 3191 arrived in 2256 and fought her younger self and knocked her out with a Vulcan nerve pinch, she told her (not that she could hear her) while she was sleeping that eventually she'll regain hope, but it'll be a "long road." (DIS: "Face the Strange")
Not long after that, when Burnham and Cleveland Booker encountered Moll and L'ak on the ISS Enterprise in interdimensional space, she told them that "Love is a powerful thing. Do not let it take you down the wrong road." (DIS: "Mirrors")
When Sylvia Tilly was telling Commander Rayner that the crew of the USS Discovery trusted him, she told him that it was "a bit of a road to get there," yet she admitted they finally trusted his leadership. (DIS: "Lagrange Point")