Round trip
A round trip was a trip that began and ended at the same location.
In 2268, Captain James T. Kirk asked Pavel Chekov what the round trip time was for the USS Enterprise between their current position and Tycho IV. Checkov replied with a time of 1.7 days, upon which Kirk declared that the Enterprise would fulfill their planned rendezvous with USS Yorktown in 48 hours. (TOS: "Obsession")
In 2378, B'Elanna Torres estimated that the closest Class M planet to USS Voyager's current position was one hundred thirty two light years away, at least a two month's round trip from them at maximum warp. Relocating approximately 5,500 members of Otrin's species there would require at least seventeen trips for a total of nearly three years, according to Tuvok. (VOY: "Friendship One")