Unnamed Rutians

The following is a list of unnamed Rutians.

Ansata bomber []

This individual was responsible for setting a bomb which destroyed a shuttlebus, resulting in the deaths of 60 schoolchildren. They were described as being a "teenager". Months later, this person's age was used as a reason by Alexana Devos for her rationale that children associated with the Ansata were a threat. (TNG: "The High Ground")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Ansata members and sympathizers []

According to Alexana Devos, out of over five thousand names on a list, roughly two hundred were Ansata members, with several thousand sympathizers who supplied them with weapons and information, marched in demonstrations supporting the group, and took part in riots. (TNG: "The High Ground")

These Rutians were only mentioned in dialogue.

Ansata terrorists []

These terrorists were members of the Ansata. They kidnapped Dr. Beverly Crusher from the Rutian plaza following an explosion. Later they transported aboard the USS Enterprise-D, fired at several crewmembers and placed a bomb near the warp core. Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge was able to remove the explosive. Following this, the kidnappers transported onto the bridge of the vessel, shot at Worf, and kidnapped Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

They were overwhelmed when combined forces of the Rutian police and Starfleet beamed into their hiding place and Alexana Devos shot their leader Kyril Finn. (TNG: "The High Ground")

The third pictured Ansata may have the last name Santis. The note on the call sheet is not clear enough.

Bombing suspects []

These three suspects were detained for questioning after the bombing of a cafe, and the kidnapping of Dr. Crusher by the Ansata, a rebel group. Commander Riker was shocked when he saw the two boys being arrested, and was told by Alexana Devos that a recent bombing on a shuttle bus was done by a teenager. Although probably not members of the rebel group known as the Ansata, they were possibly sympathizers. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Boy []

Rutian boy

A Rutian boy

This boy was a member of a rebel group known as Ansata.

He helped Doctor Beverly Crusher treat Ansata members who were dying from the effects of using a dimensional shifter, which was causing a breakdown in the DNA of anyone who uses it. After Alexana Devos killed Kyril Finn, the leader of the Ansata, who had kidnapped Dr. Crusher, the Rutian boy aimed a phaser rifle at Alexana, but Dr. Crusher told him the killing had to end, and he surrendered. Alexana stated that he was another to take Finn's place, but Commander Riker commented that maybe the end of hostilities could start with the boy putting down his phaser. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Civilians []

These civilians were shopping at chatting at the plaza and visiting the Lumar Cafe when a bomb detonated. (TNG: "The High Ground")

According to the call sheet of the plaza scene, there were twenty Rutian townsfolk but one of them was the Rutian waiter.

Devos' bodyguards []

These two police officers served as bodyguards for Alexana Devos in 2366. They accompanied her to the Rutian plaza following a bomb explosion. When an Ansata terrorist appeared they protected her. They were also present when Devos and Commander Riker interrogated Katik Shaw and later beamed into the underground hiding place of the terrorists. (TNG: "The High Ground")

The call sheet listed them as "security guards" and Alexana Devos herself referred to them as her bodyguards.

Played by Wyatt Weed

Played by Nick Testa

Devos' predecessors []

The former police chiefs of Rutia IV prior to Alexana Devos used methods that were more severe than hers were all murdered. (TNG: "The High Ground")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Finn's son []

Finn's son was the offspring of the Ansata leader Kyril Finn. At thirteen years of age, Finn's son died in police detention. (TNG: "The High Ground")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

This character was deceased before the Enterprise-D visited Rutia IV in 2366.

Policeman []

Rutian policeman

A Rutian policeman

This policeman told Dr. Crusher to stay back after she attempted to treat the wounded after an explosion was set off by the rebels. He was afraid that another bomb may have been planted by the rebels. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Police officers []

These police officers were present on the plaza when a bomb exploded and several Rutians were wounded. They also witnessed the abduction of Dr. Beverly Crusher by an Ansata terrorist. Later, they arrested several suspects for interrogations and accompanied Alexana Devos and an away team from the Enterprise-D to the underground hiding place of the Ansata. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Two of the police officers on the plaza were played by background actors with the last names Fraser and Spencer.

Another one was played by background actor Kevin Pentalow whose costumes was sold off on the web. [1]

School children []

These 60 school children died as a result of the bombing of a shuttlebus a few days after Alexana Devos' arrival. The Ansata claimed their chosen target was a police transport and that the children's deaths were a mistake. It was their deaths that caused Devos to vow to put an end to terrorism in her city. (TNG: "The High Ground")

These children were only mentioned in dialogue.

Suffering Ansata []

These terrorists were members of the Ansata who suffered from the effects of the transport through a dimensional shift by using the inverters. Dr. Beverly Crusher was kidnapped by the Ansata to treat them but was unable because of the cellular damage caused by the transport device. (TNG: "The High Ground")

"Vanished" suspects []

According to Devos, during the reign of her predecessors, suspects would be brought into custody, only to mysteriously disappear. She ended that practice. (TNG: "The High Ground")

These suspects were only mentioned in dialogue.

Waiter []

Rutian waiter

A Rutian waiter

This waiter was working at the Lumar Cafe when a bomb exploded at the Rutian plaza. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Wounded civilians []

These two civilians were wounded during the bombing of a cafe at the Rutian plaza. Dr. Crusher tried to help them and treated their wounds but was kidnapped by an Ansata terrorist. (TNG: "The High Ground")

Played by Lynn Salvatori

Played by Tony Cecere