

"... and by the way, I'd love to melt that cold Vulcan heart of yours."

Sakonna was a female Vulcan and an early member of the Maquis. She came to Deep Space 9 in 2370 as a gun runner to purchase weapons and other equipment from Quark.

Among the items she wished to procure there were guns, phaser banks, troop transports, deflector shields, navigational arrays, several hundred photon torpedoes, pulse cannons, high-energy disruptors, and a number of cobalt-thorium devices. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")

Quark introduced Sakonna to the Pygorians, who provided her with six ship-mounted high energy disrupters, three particle accelerators, two hundred photon torpedoes, and a dozen pulse cannons.

Sakonna later participated in the kidnapping of Gul Dukat from Deep Space 9. She performed an unsuccessful mind meld on Dukat in an attempt to determine the locations of the Cardassian weapons in the Demilitarized Zone. Sakonna was later captured by Commander Benjamin Sisko, Doctor Bashir, and Constable Odo when they rescued Dukat, and was taken back to Deep Space 9.

In the station's brig, Quark convinced Sakonna to reveal the Maquis' next target, swaying her to the belief that doing so and cooperating with the Federation would better achieve the ultimate interests of peace within the Maquis. Sakonna revealed the Maquis' plan was to attack a weapons depot hidden in a Cardassian civilian population center, located on Bryma.

As a result of Sakonna's information, Starfleet was able to intercept the Maquis ships and force them to retreat. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")


Background information[]

Sakonna was played by Bertila Damas.

In the first draft script of "Through the Looking Glass", a mirror universe version of Sakonna was part of the Terran Rebellion, described in the script as the leader of a particular faction of the rebels. However, her part in the script was later replaced with Tuvok. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library; [1])


Sakonna is an agent of Section 31 in the novel Disavowed.

In Saturn's Children, Sakonna's mirror universe counterpart is depicted as being a member of the Terran Rebellion, just as with the first draft script of "Through the Looking Glass".

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