
Sector 23079

Starfleet Mission Status, 2367

The 2367 chart

Sector 23079 was a region of space.

In 2367, the chart "Starfleet Operations – Sectors 21166-23079" listed the activity of Federation starships in a range of sectors, starting with Sector 21166 and ending with Sector 23079. This chart was on display in the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Brothers" okudagram)

In 2369, the chart "Starfleet Operations – Sectors 21538-23079" listed the activity of Federation starships in a range of sectors, starting with Sector 21538 and ending with Sector 23079. This chart was on display in the observation lounge of the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part I" okudagram)

This sector was only mentioned in writing.