

"Would you like a tranquilizer…?"

Leonard McCoy, to James T. Kirk, 2285 (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

A sedative or a tranquilizer was a drug used to calm down a patient or to induce sleep. Sedatives were often administered with a hypospray in a dosage of usually not more than several ccs.

Captain Picard's aunt Adele's recipe for a warm milk toddy was working perfectly as a natural sedative, as the heat activated amino acids in the lactose and it also tasted delicious. (TNG: "Schisms")

In 2153, Doctor Phlox tried to give the Borg-assimilated Tarkalean male a sedative but was thrown over the bed after the Tarkalean injected him nanoprobes by using his assimilation tubules. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Aldebaran mud leeches could be used to treat insomnia as their secretions acted as a natural sedative. (ENT: "Anomaly (ENT)")

In 2155 of the mirror universe, Doctor Phlox used a sedative on a Tholian to keep it from making a transmission. When it stopped working, Captain Maximilian Forrest ordered him to kill it. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")

In 2258 of the alternate reality, Leonard McCoy gave James T. Kirk a mild sedative to alleviate the effects of the Melvaran mud flea vaccine: Kirk immediately fell into unconsciousness, which McCoy found "unbelievable". (Star Trek)

In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy described the drug he could give USS Enterprise's crew to counteract the fear Redjac fed on as capable of tranquilizing an active volcano. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

In 2266, Doctor McCoy said it took almost a triple dose of sedative to render Simon Van Gelder unconscious. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")

In 2369, Constable Odo told the Rakhari criminal Croden he would sedate him if he would not be quiet during their trip to Rakhar. (DS9: "Vortex")

Makara herbs could act as an antidote to sedatives. While taking these herbs during her pregnancy, Major Kira Nerys was able to overpower Silaran Prin by pretending the sedatives he gave her worked. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")

In 2373, when Neelix was nervous about serving on an away mission to a Nezu colony planet, The Doctor picked up on his apprehension and suggested that he might need a tranquilizer. (VOY: "Rise")

That same year, when Ensign Harry Kim was attacked by a member of Species 8472, The Doctor tried giving him a sedative, but his body immediately rejected it, forcing Kim to endure extreme pain as his body was in essence "being eaten alive." (VOY: "Scorpion")

In 2374, Seven of Nine was placed under heavy sedation during the process of her body rejecting Borg implants. (VOY: "The Gift")

In 2375, Tom Paris administered a sedative to Samantha Wildman for injuries she had sustained in the crash of the Delta Flyer. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

Later that year, Maxwell Burke was put under sedation after being brought aboard the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Equinox")


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