Shuttlebay 2
Shuttlebay 2 was the second shuttlebay aboard a starship.

Inside Shuttlebay 2
Bay 2 was one of the three shuttlebays aboard Galaxy-class starships.
Dr. Paul Stubbs' probe, The Egg, was transported to its destination in the shuttlebay 2 of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Evolution")
In 2366, the Onizuka was listed on the shuttlebay operations display as being available in bay 2. (TNG: "Evolution", okudagram)
Later that year, Data informed shuttlebay 2 that he would be docking in this bay after leaving the Jovis. The shuttlebay personnel were instructed to make sure that level one precautions were to be in effect for the volatile hytritium. (TNG: "The Most Toys")
Also that year Worf fell over a railing in shuttlebay 2 and broke his neck. Dr. Crusher summoned a resuscitation team, but before they could arrive, John Doe healed Worf. (TNG: "Transfigurations")
In 2368, Doctor Beverly Crusher ordered all three Enterprise shuttlebays, including shuttlebay 2, be converted for emergency triage operations in preparation for the rescue of USS Denver survivors. (TNG: "Ethics")
Galaxy-class shuttle storage facilities |
Main shuttlebay • Shuttlebay 2 • Shuttlebay 3 |
Hangar 1 • Hangar 2 • Hangar 3 • Hangar 4 • Hangar 5 |

Shuttlebay 2
Shuttlebay 2 was located on the starboard side of Constitution-class starships in the alternate reality.
In 2259, the K'normian trading ship was launched from the USS Enterprise's shuttlebay 2. (Star Trek Into Darkness)