
"All I ask for is a tall ship…and a load of contraband to fill it with."

Smuggling was an illegal transport, in particular across a border where taxes were avoided, the goods themselves being illegal for unlicensed possession or people were transported to a place where they were not allowed to be. (DS9: "Honor Among Thieves") Those who engaged in smuggling were called smugglers. Enolians took a dim view of smuggling and tended to make examples of those engaged in it. (ENT: "Canamar")

In the 23rd century, smuggling was one of the many offenses committed by Harcourt Fenton Mudd. His sentence for this crime was suspended. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

In 2370, Jean-Luc Picard used the alias of "Galen", claiming to be a long-time smuggler. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")

Smuggling activities aboard DS9[]

By the 24th century, the Orion Syndicate included among its principal activities smuggling, piracy, slave trading, and assassination. (DS9: "Honor Among Thieves")

During the Occupation of Bajor Razka Karn had been a smuggler. (DS9: "Indiscretion")

In 2369 Quark became involved with Rao Vantika who had taken over Bashir's body in a smuggling operation. (DS9: "The Passenger")

In late 2369/early 2370, Quark helped expose a defective isolinear rod smuggling operation run by a group of Subytts. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

In 2370, Xepolites were involving in smuggling of weapons to Cardassian colonists in the Demilitarized Zone. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")

In 2372, Regana Tosh was a member of the Markalian species who worked for the Markalian smuggling operation. He was arrested by Odo. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")

Later, Odo arrested Quark for attempted kemocite smuggling. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

Also that year, a Boslic freighter was involved in a contraband smuggling operation uncovered by Klingon-turned-Bajoran officer Kurn. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")

In 2372, Kasidy Yates accepted sole responsibility for her ship's smuggling activities, and after allowing her crew to rejoin the Maquis she returned to Deep Space 9 to face punishment. She was sent to prison for her actions. (DS9: "For the Cause")

In 2373, Quark was arrested for gunrunning in connection to an assassination plot against the Regent of Palamar. Quark's cousin Gaila and Kira's friend Hagath set him up and Quark took the blame for the assassination. Gaila and Hagath fled the scene and Quark took sole responsibility for what happened. He made a plea deal with Captain Sisko to have the charges dropped in exchange for paying his rent which was past due because of what happened with the Ferengi when he got banned. (DS9: "Business as Usual")

In 2374, Zevian authorities requested information on a smuggling ring from the security office at Deep Space 9. (DS9: "His Way")

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