
Penthara IV map

A map showing the continents of Penthara IV

A continent is a large planetary land mass usually separated from other continents by geographical features, like oceans or mountains.

The planet Earth had several continents, namely Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Alternatively, North and South America might be counted as a single American continent, and Europe and Asia combined into Eurasia. It was theorized that the Voth might have evolved on an Earth continent that had since been destroyed.

While on Earth, each continent had its own unique name; it was also common on other planets to name a continent by means of its location on the planet, for example Northern Continent or Western Continent.

Northern continent[]

Archer IV surface

On the northern continent of Archer IV

Bersallis III

A firestorm rages on the northern continent of Bersallis III

Hospital Ship 4-2

A hospital ship hovering over the northern continent of Dinaal

  • An impact crater was created by the destruction of several intelligent warheads on the northern continent of an unnamed planet in the Delta Quadrant. Minute traces of the destroyed warheads were detected by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2375. (VOY: "Warhead")
  • Scattered enclaves on the northern continent of the Brunali homeworld with populations of fewer than 10,000 Brunali were all that was left in 2376 after repeated attacks by the Borg. (VOY: "Child's Play")
  • The Dinaali Hospital Ship 4-2 was hovering over a coastal area of the northern continent of Dinaal. (VOY: "Critical Care")

Southern continent[]

Valo II surface

A Bajoran refugee camp on the southern continent of Valo II

It is unknown how Archer could have known about the view from a mountain peak on the southern continent, when his away team landed on the northern continent, as described above.

Genome Colony

The genome colony on the southern continent of Moab IV

Ocampa surface

A Kazon settlement on the southern continent of Ocampa

Eastern continent[]

Eastern continent of Rutia IV

A map of the Eastern continent of Rutia IV

  • The eastern continent of Rutia IV was controlled by a single government. Ansata separatists spent several generations trying to free themselves from the rule of the government of the eastern continent. They maintained a base approximately three hundred kilometers from a city on the southern tip of the eastern continent. (TNG: "The High Ground")
  • The Cardassian Dreadnought threatened to crash on the eastern continent of Rakosa V. This led to the native Rakosans crowding every port on the continent, trying to get off the landmass before the impact. (VOY: "Dreadnought")

Western continent[]

  • The western continent of Rutia IV was, in 2296, denied its independence by the Rutian government on the eastern continent. In a short time, the separatist group Ansata was formed. Their goal was to gain autonomy and self-determination for the western continent. (TNG: "The High Ground")
  • In 2366, the moon of Bre'el IV threatened to crash on the western continent of the planet, destroying an area eight hundred kilometers in radius and causing tsunamis and massive earthquake. In response to the threat, people from the coastal areas of the western continent were evacuated to safer ground. (TNG: "Deja Q")
  • Former Borg drones, freed from the Collective in 2368, established a small colony on the western continent of an M-class planet in the Delta Quadrant. (VOY: "Unity")

Further references[]

Nezu colony asteroid impact

An asteroid impacting on the largest continent of a Nezu colony

Iconian city, remastered

The desolate, smaller continent of Iconia

See also[]

External link[]