Starbase 257
Starbase 257 was a Federation Starbase 375-type starbase that was in service with Starfleet in the late 24th century. The outpost was located in the Alpha Quadrant.
While within its defense perimeter, ships had to remain at one-half impulse until they cleared the outer markers.
In 2374, the starbase was attacked by an attack wing of Jem'Hadar fighters, shortly after the runabout USS Shenandoah had left the station en route to Ferenginar. (DS9: "Valiant")
The starbase's location was labeled in a Federation star chart that was in Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy's office at Starfleet Headquarters in 2399 and on the bridge of the USS Titan-A in 2401. Starbase 257 was in or near to neutral space. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The Next Generation", "Disengage")
External link[]
- Starbase 257 at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works