Unnamed Starfleet Headquarters personnel (24th century)

List of unnamed 24th century Starfleet Headquarters personnel.

Chief of Starfleet Operations []

In 2375, the current Chief of Starfleet Operations granted special dispensation for Benjamin Sisko to change the name of the USS Sao Paulo to USS Defiant. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Chief of Starfleet Security []

This Chief of Starfleet Security was a high ranking female flag officer who headed Starfleet Security, holding the position during the early 2370s.

When Commander Benjamin Sisko was ordered by Starfleet Security to take on Lieutenant Commander Michael Eddington as Deep Space 9's head of station security in 2371, Sisko strongly disagreed with the order, fighting to keep Odo on in the role. According to Sisko, he did everything he could to fight the matter, even taking it to the Chief of Starfleet Security herself, but their decision was final. (DS9: "The Search, Part I")

In an alternate 2372, following Admiral Strickler's meeting with Lieutenant Lasca and Ensign Harry Kim reviewing the newly-designed Yellowstone-class, he was to have a meeting with the head of Starfleet Security. Prior to his review with Lasca and Kim, Strickler noted this fact, adding "[s]he doesn't like to be kept waiting." (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

This officer was either a successor of Admiral Raner, or possibly Raner herself.

Civilians []

These civilians were present at Starfleet Headquarters when Admiral Jean-Luc Picard visited the facility in 2399. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

Councilors []

These councilors – consisting of several Human, a Trill, a Tellarite, and an alien – were a group of vice admirals, which also included Admiral Parker, and were in turn lead by Admiral Wong, were responsible for making important decisions on behalf of Starfleet Command.

Following the failed Project Swing By, Captain Carol Freeman, joined by Vice Admiral Les Buenamigo, discussed Freeman's actions and Buenamigo's successful Texas-class sea trial. After listening to both side, this council decided to take the advice of Buenamigo shutter the California-class.

Later, when Freeman suggested a mission race between the USS Cerritos and Buenamigo's USS Aledo, Buenamigo tried to brush off the suggestion, but when Freeman challenged his authority, he responded, "these fine admirals know that I am right, but, if this is what you want..." (LD: "The Stars At Night")

Human councilor []

Starfleet Command admiral 1, sketch

Starfleet Command admiral 1

Trill councilor []

Starfleet Command Trill admiral, sketch

Starfleet Command Trill admiral

Counselors []

In an alternate timeline, when Chakotay and Harry Kim successfully returned to Earth in 2375, via slipstream aboard the Delta Flyer, at the cost of the loss of USS Voyager, these counselors spoke with Kim following his return regarding his survivor guilt.

Several years later, after The Doctor was reactivated, his words to Kim echoed those of "counselors back at Headquarters." Kim even recalled what they told him: "You must learn to accept the fact that you lived. Embrace life, move forward." (VOY: "Timeless")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Ensign []

Front Desk Clerk

Security desk ensign

This operations division ensign was assigned to Starfleet Headquarters in 2399.

That year, he manned the main security desk when the visiting retired Admiral Jean-Luc Picard approached, notifying the ensign that he had an appointment with the CNC. This ensign, who didn't recognize Picard, stared blankly at him before requesting his name. After handing Picard his visitor's badge, he remarked to the admiral how it was nice to see him up and around. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

Grounds personnel 1 []

These officers, civilians, and technicians worked on the grounds of Starfleet Headquarters in 2364 when Captain Jean-Luc Picard had a meeting with Admirals Savar, Aaron, and Gregory Quinn to talk about a conspiracy inside Starfleet Command. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

All background performers appeared in re-used footage from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and as such depicts several (now) 24th century officers wearing outdated uniforms and attire.

Grounds personnel 2 []

These Starfleet personnel were present at Starfleet Headquarters when Admiral Jean-Luc Picard visited the facility in 2399. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

Grounds personnel 3 []

In an alternate timeline, these officers, civilians, and technician worked on the grounds of Starfleet Command when Harry Kim found he had never left the Alpha Quadrant aboard the USS Voyager and was presenting his plans for the Yellowstone-class runabout at Starfleet Headquarters in 2372. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

All background performers appeared in re-used footage from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and as such depicts several (now) 24th century officers wearing outdated uniforms and attire.

High-ranking officers []

In an alternate 2372, these high-ranking officers, including a female and male captain along with female and male vice admiral, attended a design review, presented by Lieutenant Lasca and Ensign Harry Kim, on the newly-minted Yellowstone-class runabout. This group stood on the arrival of Admiral Strickler, and were addressed by Lasca as "Ladies and Gentlemen".

The female captain essentially functioned as a court reporter, recording notes during Strickler's later "questioning" of Harry Kim, who was accused of breaking into classified files and forging USS Voyager security protocols. The male captain then presented Strickler with a PADD, containing information about Kim's contact with Tom Paris in Marseilles, France, earlier that morning. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

According to the call sheets, the actors filmed their scenes on Monday 24 July 1995 on Paramount Stage 9 and are listed as "2 Captains" and "2 Admirals".

They were described in the script notes as "high-ranking officers – mostly Admirals and Captains," and later "Starfleet officials." The female captain was later identified as "an N.D. sits in one corner, taking notes on a PADD," while the male captain was identified as "an N.D. aide."

Homecoming admirals []

In an alternate timeline, when Chakotay and Harry Kim successfully returned to Earth in 2375, via slipstream aboard the Delta Flyer, at the cost of the loss of USS Voyager, these admirals, including Admiral McIntyre, a shook hands with the two at their homecoming celebration.

After four years of searching for where Voyager may have fallen out of the slipstream, Starfleet Command called off the search. Desperate to find his missing crew, Kim went to see every last admiral he met at the homecoming and "begged them to keep the search alive." They all turned their back on Kim, and "pretty soon even Admiral McIntyre stopped returning my calls," leading Kim to resign Starfleet and continue the search on his own. (VOY: "Timeless")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Security officer []

Starfleet security officer, 2364

A security officer

This security officer joined the dinner with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Vice Admiral Aaron, Admiral Savar, and Captain Tryla Scott at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth in 2364. He was infected like the others by the parasitic beings. When Commander Riker joined the dinner and tricked the others into believing he was also infected, he shot this security officer who hit the ground. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

This security officer was played by stunt actor Gary Wayton, who received no credit for this appearance.

Security officers 1 []

Played by Tom Morga

Played by Irving Lewis

These two security officers tried to catch Harry Kim in an alternate timeline in 2372 on Earth. They beamed into Kim's apartment, where Libby managed to hold them up. A few minutes later they chased Kim again and caught him on a street. One security guard was kicked by Harry on a fire-escape and passed out. The second guard was knocked out by Tom Paris' punches after he had caught Harry Kim on the street. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

Security officers 2 []

Played by Thomas J. Booth

Played by David Reyes

These two security officers tried to catch Harry Kim and Tom Paris in Kim's office at Starfleet Headquarters in an alternate timeline in 2372 on Earth. The first security officer previously placed the security anklet on Kim's leg. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

Security officers 3 []

Ensign Played by an unknown actor

Played by Joyce Lasley

These two security officers accompanied Admiral Leyton, Captain Benjamin Sisko, and Odo when the group was beamed into the Federation President's office in Paris, France, in 2372 following the power outage on Earth. (DS9: "Homefront")

Security officers 4 []

This security chief and two security officers interacted with Benjamin Sisko after Admiral Leyton made Starfleet believe he was a Changeling. The chief teased the female officer about her being his "favorite vampire", but she contested his analogy, stating "vampires only come out at night. I've been pushing this cart all day."

When Odo appeared to spring Sisko from the brig, he knocked out the other two security officers and then her with a Vulcan neck pinch. (DS9: "Paradise Lost")

Security chief Played by Bobby C. King

Male security officer Played by an unknown actor

Trill lieutenant []

Trill lieutenant, 2384

Trill lieutenant

This command division lieutenant was assigned to Starfleet Headquarters in 2384. She was one of the witnesses of the USS Protostar's crew rescue after their shuttle crashed in the bay near Headquarters. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Following the ordeal, she was assigned to pilot Gwyn back to Solum aboard the shuttlecraft Sacagawea, so that Gwyn could initiate first contact. She briefly tried to reassure Gwyn that she'd studied the first contact protocols as much as Jean-Luc Picard, before beaming Gwyn down to the planet. Not long later, two Vau N'Akat warships attacked and destroyed the shuttle. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part II")

This character was first voiced in "Into the Breach, Part II" by Afi Ekulona.

Vulcan scientist []

Vulcan Scientist, 2384

Vulcan Scientist

This sciences division lieutenant was assigned to Starfleet Headquarters in 2384. Following the destruction of the USS Protostar, the Vulcan scientist briefed Vice admiral Kathryn Janeway and her crew regarding the event. He informed the Admiral that when the Protostar core of the ship went supernova it created a temporal anomaly and unveiled a recorded message from Chakotay in 2436 that passed through the wormhole. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")