
Three strips of gold-pressed latinum
A strip was a small (but not the smallest) unit of gold-pressed latinum.
Twenty strips were equal to one bar of latinum. (DS9: "Body Parts")
Comparative values[]
- One strip
- Quark said that a strip of latinum would pay for a couple of spins of the dabo wheel. (DS9: "Sanctuary")
- Nog and Jake Sisko planned to play dom-jot for a strip of latinum a go. (DS9: "Life Support")
- Two strips
- Doctor Orpax, one of the most expensive doctors on Ferenginar, charged two strips of latinum just to walk into the waiting room. (DS9: "Body Parts")
- With two strips, Elim Garak almost bought Jadzia's freedom from a Cardassian guard during the Occupation of Bajor. (DS9: "Things Past")
- On Cardassia IV, an overseer was offered the services of Kira Nerys for two strips of latinum. (DS9: "The Homecoming")
In the first draft script of "Body Parts", Quark mentioned having made two bars of latinum on Ferenginar's open market overnight, in relation to Talabian rivets.
- Three strips
- Quark asked for three strips of latinum for one memorial disk of Plegg. (DS9: "The Alternate")
- Nog offered to sell his pajamas to Rom for three strips of latinum, but settled for two. (DS9: "Little Green Men")
- Jadzia Dax staked Thomas Riker three strips of gold-pressed latinum when his winning streak ran dry, thinking he was William T. Riker. (DS9: "Defiant")
- During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the purchase price would be three strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
- Five strips
- During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the opening risk would be five strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
- A cadet's uniform for Nog from Garak's shop cost Rom five strips of latinum. (DS9: "Facets")
- The buy in to Quark's game of tongo for Julian Bashir to join was five strips; he only brought six to the game. (DS9: "Change of Heart")
- Eight strips
- During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the sell price would be eight strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
- Ten strips
- Nog sold the holosuite program A Visit with the Pleasure Goddess of Rixx to Jadzia Dax for ten strips of latinum, who then gave it to Julian Bashir as a gift. (DS9: "Little Green Men")
- Fourteen strips
- Quark paid a dabo girl fourteen strips of latinum on payday. (DS9: "The Collaborator")
- Fifteen strips
- Jadzia Dax won fifteen strips of latinum from Quark in a tongo game. (DS9: "Business as Usual")
- Seventeen strips
- The price of a dress from Garak's shop was seventeen strips of latinum, but Quark offered twenty for it. (DS9: "Profit and Loss")
- Thirty-six strips
- The amount of latinum Worf lost to Quark in a bet he had made on Jadzia Dax beating the Ferengi bartender in tongo. (DS9: "Change of Heart")
In a deleted scene cut from the final draft of VOY: "Friendship One", Tom Paris complained that "the only people who want to talk to me [from the Alpha Quadrant] are my father and a Ferengi Tongo dealer who claims I still owe him three hundred strips of latinum."
Gold-pressed latinum |
Slip • Strip • Bar • Brick Brace |