
Subspace proximity detonator

Koinonian explosive device

A Koinonian explosive device with a subspace proximity detonator

A subspace proximity detonator was a piece of military technology employed by several species, including Koinonians and Talarians. Starfleet tricorders were unable to detect the detonators, as were ship's sensors.

Subspace proximity detonators were put into small explosive devices used by the Koinonians during the Koinonian Wars. After many centuries, the devices were still in working condition. The USS Enterprise-D's ship's archaeologist Marla Aster was killed by such a device when exploring caves on the Koinonian homeworld. (TNG: "The Bonding")

The detonators were part of self-destruct devices sometimes installed aboard Talarian observation craft during the Galen border conflict and were responsible for 219 casualties over a three day period. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")