TOS-R Season 1 HD DVD

For the Blu-ray Disc release, please see TOS Season 1 Blu-ray.

Star Trek: The Original Series – Season One Remastered iis a remastered DVD release of the first season of Star Trek: The Original Series – the dual-sided discs contain HD DVD content on one side, standard DVD content on the other. The episodes are presented in airing order, rather than production order, as has been the custom in previous releases.

The size of this package is almost identical to the prior DVD release. The box also contains 5 "Special Collector Data Cards" describing the contents of each disc.

A slimline Region 2 re-release in DVD format was released on 27 April 2009.


Contents[1] Production order
Disc Episode
"The Man Trap"
"Charlie X"
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
"The Naked Time"
"The Enemy Within"
"Mudd's Women"
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
"Dagger of the Mind"
"The Corbomite Maneuver"
"The Menagerie, Part I"
"The Menagerie, Part II"
"The Conscience of the King"
"Balance of Terror"
"Shore Leave"
"The Galileo Seven"
"The Squire of Gothos"
"Tomorrow is Yesterday"
"Court Martial"
"The Return of the Archons"
"Space Seed"
"A Taste of Armageddon"
"This Side of Paradise"
"The Devil in the Dark"
"Errand of Mercy"
"The Alternative Factor"
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
"Operation -- Annihilate!"
HD DVD Special Features
Disc Episode
7[2] "The Cage" (pilot)
1 "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
4 "The Corbomite Maneuver"
2 "Mudd's Women"
2 "The Enemy Within"
1 "The Man Trap"
2 "The Naked Time"
1 "Charlie X"
5 "Balance of Terror"
3 "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
3 "Dagger of the Mind"
3 "Miri"
5 "The Conscience of the King"
6 "The Galileo Seven"
7 "Court Martial"
4 "The Menagerie, Part I"
4 "The Menagerie, Part II"
5 "Shore Leave"
6 "The Squire of Gothos"
6 "Arena"
9 "The Alternative Factor"
7 "Tomorrow is Yesterday"
7 "The Return of the Archons"
8 "A Taste of Armageddon"
8 "Space Seed"
8 "This Side of Paradise"
9 "The Devil in the Dark"
9 "Errand of Mercy"
10 "The City on the Edge of Forever"
10 "Operation -- Annihilate!"
  1. The DVD slim pack has seven disks with four episodes, with "Operation: Annihilate" and bonus content in the eighth.
  2. "The Cage" is on Disc 7 of the Season 3 boxset

Special Features[]

TOS-R Season 1 HD DVD contents

Contents of the release

  • Starfleet Access (HD DVD only)
  • Interactive Enterprise Inspection (HD DVD only)
    • A simulation where the viewer is in the shuttlecraft Jefferies outside of the Enterprise, and can view video and audio describing the various parts of the ship.
  • Spacelift: Transporting Trek Into the 21st Century (both HD DVD and DVD and new for this release)
    • A 20 minute documentary on the remastering process.
  • Billy Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special Memories (new for this release)
  • Birth of a Timeless Legacy (DVD only)
  • Reflections on Spock (DVD only)
    • Leonard Nimoy takes 12 minutes to discuss the character and his book I Am Not Spock.
  • Life Beyond Trek: William Shatner (DVD only)
    • William Shatner spends 10 minutes discussing his love of horses.
  • To Boldly Go … Season One (DVD only)
  • Sci-Fi Visionaries (DVD only)
    • A 16 minute interview with Robert Justman and Dorothy Fontana discussing the efforts to hire science fiction authors to give the show some literary depth.
  • Kiss 'n' Tell: Romance in the 23rd Century (DVD only)
    • An 8 minute montage of clips and interviews discussion the love interests in the series and films.
  • Trekker Connections (DVD only)
    • A small series of "six degrees of separation" bits connecting the actors in a game format.
  • Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier (DVD only, but new for this release)
  • Star Trek Online game preview (DVD only, but new for this release)
    • A 3 minute look at the upcoming game.

Not ported over from the previous DVD release are the four "Red Shirt Logs" hidden mini-featurettes, and Michael and Denise Okuda's text commentaries for "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II" and "The Conscience of the King".

Background information[]

The menu is a replica of the Transporter room console, a theme repeated throughout all three seasons..

On the HD DVD, the intro has James T. Kirk on the turbolift asking to go to the transporter. Once an episode is selected the transporter controls activate and characters from the episode you chose beam in – "The Menagerie, Part I" has both versions of Christopher Pike appearing.

On the DVD, the intro has four characters of the disk's episodes on the transporter as the camera goes down to the console. Once the episode is selected the camera zooms into the beaming effect. This was repeated for the other DVD sets. The DVD versions are on the discs in Enhanced Definition 480p/24p.

Follow-up releases[]

The second and third seasons of the remastered version of Star Trek: The Original Series were originally announced for release in 2008 on the same combination HD DVD/DVD format as the first season.

Season two was set for a 25 March 2008 release. However, in early December 2007, it was removed from the schedule, and was tentatively rescheduled for the summer of 2008. [1]

With Toshiba announcing their withdrawal from the HD DVD market on 19 February 2008, these releases were canceled completely. [2](X)

Seasons two and three eventually saw DVD-only releases in 2008, followed in 2009 by that of season one in the DVD-only variant. Region 1 incidentally, continued the usage of the packaging as devised for the HD DVD formats for the DVD-only issues, which for season one could lead to confusion regarding the 2009 reissue.

2009 also saw the concurrent successor Blu-ray home video formats, including season one – much to the chagrin of those fans who had already invested in the expensive HD DVD version and associated players, and had to "double dip" yet again if they wanted the HD contents as the HD portion of that release was not playable on Blu-ray players, and thereby becoming in essence "dumpster fodder".