

Sonic toothbrush

Hoshi Sato using a sonic toothbrush

A toothbrush was a small handheld tool used to clean one's teeth.

In September 2152, Ensign Hoshi Sato used a sonic toothbrush, together with a magnetic mirror, while in Enterprise NX-01's catwalk. While the toothbrush was operating, a blue light on it flashed on and off. (ENT: "The Catwalk")

This toothbrush is not referred to as such on screen. In the final draft script of "The Catwalk", though, it was described as "a hi-tech (and waterless) sonic toothbrush." The call sheet for the scene lists it as a "sonic toothbrush".

Stamets with toothbrush

Paul Stamets using a toothbrush

In 2256, toothbrushes were part of the personal care equipment aboard USS Discovery and were used by, amongst others, Lieutenant Paul Stamets and his partner Doctor Hugh Culber. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")

In an interview with Variety, Stamets actor Anthony Rapp describes the Discovery toothbrushes as "kind of like a high-end electric toothbrush that probably have some kind of laser beam or something, so you literally just have to pass them over your teeth. You don't have to scrub. They don't really make any noise. You don't need toothpaste. You just clean your teeth by moving it around your mouth."

In reality, the Discovery toothbrushes were made from a modified FOREO electric toothbrush. [1]

Before leaving Earth for Tyree in 2375, Jake Sisko packed his toothbrush for the journey. (DS9: "Image in the Sand")

Personal care
Anatomy and physiology: Facial hair (Beard / Mustache / Sideburns) • EyebrowHairNailClawTeethSalivaSkinSweat
Locations: BarbershopBathroomMassage facilityPortable toiletSauna (Cardassian sauna, steam room) • Spa (Golian Spa)
Occupations: BarberMake-up artistManicuristMasseur
Practices and treatments: Alture VII relaxation program (Protein bath) • Bathing (Bath tub) • Grooming ritualHaircutMassage (Lauriento massage holoprogram 101A; Hot stone massage) • Mani-pediPersonal hygieneSand scrubShavingShower (Sonic shower)
Products: AftershaveBath salts (Neptune Bath Salts) • Beauty suppliesBubble bathColgonite astringentCologneConditioning agentDeodorantEpidellic lotionHair dyeHair tonicHypicateKolaish spice oilLipstickMake-upNail polishPerfumeShampooSkin lotionSomata oilSunscreenTampaxToothpaste (Mars Toothpaste) • Xupta tree oil extract
Tools: Ablutionary fountainBathBathrobeChewstickCombHairbrushHair clipHairpinHair tieHot tubNail fileRadiosepticRazor (Gillette) • ScissorsSinkSteampoolToiletTongue scraperTooth sharpenerToothbrushToothpickTowelTweezersWaste disposal unit
Related medical conditions: Bad breathBaldnessBody odorMenstrual crampsSuntanWrinkles
Teeth and related anatomy: Anterior tricuspidEye toothFangGumsIncisorJawMolarPalateTongueTusk
Medical conditions: Bite mark (Bite radius) • CavityEruption (dentistry)Teeth grinding
Medical procedures: Tooth extractionTooth sealing
Occupations: DentistHygienistOrthodontist
People: Tooth Fairy
Products: False teethSkagaran whiskeyTeething ringToothbrushToothpasteMars ToothpasteTooth sharpenerTrifluorinate compound
Organizations: Starfleet Dental
Other: Dragon's teethSweet tooth

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