Trilithium weapon

Geordi La Forge studies the weapon
"And now we have a weapon of unlimited power!"
A trilithium weapon was a weapon that utilized trilithium as an explosive agent. It was capable of stopping all nuclear fusion within a star, causing an instant supernova.
In 2371, Dr. Tolian Soran managed to perfect the weapon, using trilithium stolen from the Romulans by the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor. The sisters intended to use the weapon to conquer the Klingon Empire, after the failure of their attempt to seize control of it in 2368.

Soran prepares to fire the weapon
However, Soran's only intended use for the weapon was to change the course of the energy ribbon that allowed entry into the Nexus. To achieve this, he used the weapon to detonate the Amargosa star and then planned to destroy the Veridian star. He briefly succeeded to Nexus, but was stopped by Captains Jean-Luc Picard and James T. Kirk. (Star Trek Generations)
The Changeling Julian Bashir created a trilithium weapon composed of trilithium, tekasite, and protomatter designed to destroy the Bajoran sun, and thus Bajor, Deep Space 9, and a combined Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet that had been lured to the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole in anticipation of a Dominion invasion. His attempt was stopped by the USS Defiant, which hurled his stolen Danube-class runabout USS Yukon away from the sun, causing the bomb to detonate harmlessly in space. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")
See also[]
External link[]
- Trilithium torpedo at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works