
Tulgana IV

Tulgana IV was the inhabited fourth planet in the Tulgana system. It was orbited by at least one large moon. It was protected by an ionic field that restricted communicators and transporters. Ensign Brad Boimler considered Tulgana IV to be "a bustling, exotic planet". There was a neutrality pact in place on the planet.

Travel to and from the planet was controlled by Tulgana IV Space Traffic Control.

In 2380, Ensigns Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner of the USS Cerritos delivered General K'orin to the Federation Embassy on Tulgana IV.

The city in which the embassy was located also had several "ethnic" districts that celebrated the cultures of different planets. These included "Little Qo'noS" (the Klingon district), "Little Risa" (the Risian district), and Andoria Town (an Andorian district). Romulan and Ferengi buildings were also present. (LD: "Envoys")

Later that year, the USS Titan headed to Tulgana IV, where Boimler and his new shipmates were to escort Commander Deanna Troi to the surface. (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, the Cerritos returned to Tulgana IV to update the Federation Consulate's power systems. Given the straightforward nature of the task, Captain Freeman elected to also fill some Starfleet quotas at the same time, such as operating a recruitment booth on the surface. (LD: "Reflections")


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