

Terra nova cave system map

A map of tunnels

Microbrain in ground

An artificial tunnel on Velara III

A tunnel was an underground passageway.

The Novans on Terra Nova lived for three generations in an underground network of tunnels and caves. In 2151, several tunnels collapsed when Shuttlepod 1 crashed beneath the surface. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

The catacombs beneath the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem were made of several tunnels. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

While at Janus VI in the 2260s, Captain James T. Kirk and his first and science officer Spock encountered several tunnels created by a Horta, who was capable of moving through solid rock as easily as Humanoids could move through air. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")

Tunnels once formed part of the Phylosians' home. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan")

In 2270, the crew of the USS Ariel tried tunneling to escape the Lactra VII zoo, but were unsuccessful. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")

The terraforming science team on Velara III created artificial tunnels to start their project by using a laser drill. In one of their tunnels the away team of the USS Enterprise-D discovered the "microbrain" lifeform. (TNG: "Home Soil")

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