Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel
The following is a list of unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel:
- See: Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) command personnel
- See: Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) operations personnel
- See: Unnamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) sciences personnel
Individuals who served in multiple or unknown divisions are listed below.
2250s – mid 2260s[]
Bolian bartender []

Bolian bartender
This male Bolian bartender served aboard the Enterpirse in 2259. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")
Bridge crewman #1 []
This male crewman served aboard the Enterprise for over a decade, serving under both Captains Pike and Kirk.
He was present on the bridge when the Enterprise picked up the fake distress signal from Talos IV in 2254, where he sat at the science station, and again when Talosians took over control of the vessel. (TOS: "The Cage")
He was later present on the bridge when Lee Kelso contacted Kirk in the briefing lounge in 2265. A short time later, he departed the bridge after Kirk, Spock and Mitchell entered from the turbolift, following the discovery of the disaster recorder from the SS Valiant. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
Footage of his experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from 13 years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II")
Bridge guard #1 []

This crewman served aboard the Enterprise for over a decade, serving under both Captains Pike and Kirk.
He stood to the right of the captain's chair as the Enterprise received the distress call from the SS Columbia in 2254. During the encounter with the radio wave, he carried the paper print out of the report from CPO Garison from the communications station to Captain Christopher Pike, who turned down reviewing the report. When Pike decided to continue on to Vega and left the bridge, this crewman shrugged at the crewman posted at the turbolift door.
He was later dismissed by Pike at 0500 after Yeoman Colt entered the bridge while the ship was en route to Talos IV.
He had returned to the bridge and was present when the Talosians disabled the ship in orbit, after haven taken Pike, Colt, and Una Chin-Riley captive. He was conversing with the crewman posted at the turbolift door when the Talosians accessed the ship's library computer, at which point he ran over to the engineering station.
Following the return of Pike and crew, he took Una's jacket and utility belt from her as she entered the bridge. In the moments that followed, he returned to the captain's side with a clipboard as the ship departed Talos. (TOS: "The Cage")
This same crewman continued serving aboard the Enterprise after Captain Kirk took command. He was on the bridge when the ship encountered the galactic barrier in 2265. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
He was in a corridor wearing a tan uniform during the red alert for the M-113 creature when the ship was orbiting planet M-113 in 2266. (TOS: "The Man Trap")
A recording of his experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from thirteen years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II")

"Security" Division Insignia Patch
This crewperson was played by an unknown actor.
In this crewman's initial appearance, he apparently served in the capacity of security as he was the only other crewperson observed wearing the division insignia, same as the crewman stationed by the elevator. In spite of these observations, his actions when summarized most resembled that of a yeoman's role, in that he was often held a clipboard, delivered documents to the captain, was dismissed upon the arrival of Colt, and took articles from the command crew as they entered the bridge from the elevator.
Bridge guard #2 []

Security guard
This crewman stood to the left of the turbolift door when the Enterprise received the distress call from the SS Columbia in 2254. When Captain Pike decided to continue on to Vega colony and left the bridge, he exchanged shrugs with the crewman posted next to Pike's command chair.
He was still present on the bridge when the Talosians disabled the ship in orbit, after having taken Pike, Colt and Una captive. He was conversing with the crewman posted at Pike's command chair when the Talosians accessed the ship's library computer, at which point he ran over to the communications station. Following the return of Pike and crew, he took a hand laser from CPO Garison as he entered the bridge. (TOS: "The Cage")
Footage of his experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from 13 years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "The Menagerie, Part II")
This crewperson appeared to serve in the capacity of security (as seen depicted by operations personnel throughout TOS occupying this location). He was the only other crewman, aside from the man next to the captain's chair, to be visually verified as wearing the unique badge insignia (an arrowhead with a "C"-shape), also later worn by Leslie in "Where No Man Has Gone Before" during his role as a security guard.
He was named Valdini in the novel The Rift and was one of many officers that perished on Argus X in 2268.
Crewmembers []
These crewmembers served aboard the Enterprise under Pike's command in 2254. (TOS: "The Cage")
Crossing from left to right in hallway near Pike's cabin
Played by an unknown actress
Passing through briefing room near Pike's cabin
Played by an unknown actor
Crossing from right to left in hallway near Pike's cabin
Played by an unknown actor
Crewmembers in civvies []

Crewmembers in civvies
These two crewmembers, wearing civvies, were passed by Captain Pike in a corridor near his quarters in 2254. (TOS: "The Cage")
In the second revised final draft script of "The Cage", these crewmembers are referred to as "a casually dressed Young Man and Young Lady intent on each other, obviously headed for a ship's recreation area."
Female crewmembers[]
Aside from Elizabeth Dehner, the Enterprise had almost a hundred women onboard at the time of its trip to the galactic barrier. When Kirk told Gary Mitchell he was going to have Doctor Dehner keep him under observation for a while, Mitchell, who had a low opinion of Dehner at the time, quipped, "With almost a hundred women on board, you can do better than that, friend Captain." (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
These women were only mentioned in dialogue.
Rigel VII casualties []
Among the casualties in a battle on Rigel VII in 2254 were seven injured and three presumed dead, including Yeoman Zac Nguyen, Ensign C. Plummer, and the science specialist, M. Aberth. Of the seven injured included Fisher, Jose Tyler, and Spock. The Enterprise had to make a hasty trip to Vega colony to ensure Spock wouldn't be their fourth casualty. (TOS: "The Cage"; SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters")
Transporter guard []

Guard outside the transporter room
This officer, wearing a heavy jacket, stood guard outside the transporter room as a landing party made final preparations before attempting to beam down to Talos IV. He remained there throughout the return of Pike and company from the planet's surface. (TOS: "The Cage")
2260s Early 2270s[]
Casualties []
These nine crewmembers were killed when the Enterprise made contact with the galactic barrier in 2265. Their autopsies showed that a section of their brains were burned out. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
These crewmen were only mentioned in dialogue.
Crewman #1 []
This crewman, serving in the command division, was on the bridge of the Enterprise in 2265 when Lieutenant Kelso called the briefing lounge to report the status on locating the SS Valiant's disaster recorder. This crewman was later in the corridor.
Following the Enterprise's crippling encounter with the galactic barrier, he was assigned to the repair party consisting of the engineering staff that assisted Kelso on Delta Vega in regenerating the main engines aboard the Enterprise. His role was to help safely bypass the mining station's fuel bins which involved rearranging a number of cables in the control room. Following the success of repair, he returned to the ship with a toolbox, where after, Kirk noted him a commendation for his work in the captain's log. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
He later transferred and became a sciences division technician where he was a member of the away team surveying planet Alfa 177 in 2266. When the ship's transporter malfunctioned, he was stranded on the surface along with Sulu, Leslie, and a third sciences technician. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")
Crewman #3 []

As a transporter assistant
This technician, while assigned to the command division, was present in a corridor when Harry Mudd and his "cargo" of three women visited the ship in 2266. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")
He later worked in the operations division as a transporter crewman, by loading the transporter pad then assisting Lieutenant Berkley, when the Enterprise was making an exchange of material from Tantalus V in which Dr. Simon Van Gelder was later discovered. He was knocked unconscious while he was recording notes from the transporter system and had his operations division jumpsuit stolen by Van Gelder. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")
Crewman #4 []
This crewman served aboard the Enterprise during the late 2260s. He was seemingly unhappy with his positions aboard the Enterprise, having transferred departments at a regular frequency.
In 2266, he was assigned to the command division, when he passed Magda Kovacs in the corridor, where he gave her a grin. He later passed Captain Kirk's cabin as Ben Childress and Herm Gossett were entering it. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")
Later that year, he was doing maintenance work with a sciences technician on a corridor, where he was passed by the M-113 creature posing as Crewman Green. He was wearing a beige technician jumpsuit at that time. (TOS: "The Man Trap")
Later again that same year, after he had transferred to the sciences division, and while on his way to his duty assignment, he and Bobby were encountered on level two, corridor three by a rapier-wielding Lieutenant Sulu, who was under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus declared "Richelieu, beware!" Sulu eventually called the two "cowards" after they ran back the way they came. Their incident was later reported to the bridge. (TOS: "The Naked Time")
Both men Sulu confronted were identified in the script simply as "crewmen".
He once again transferred back to the command division one last time, and was later present in Recreation Room 6 when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X")
Once again while in the sciences division, he was serving on the bridge, when the Enterprise received a distress call from the Romulan Neutral Zone. Following the incident, while wearing a command uniform and carrying a piece of equipment, he walked past Captain Kirk in the corridor near the ship's chapel. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
He was again present in the recreation room when Lazarus visited the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
Crewman #5 []
This crewman was present in a corridor during red alert in 2266, when the Enterprise visited M-113. He was wearing a beige jumpsuit at the time. (TOS: "The Man Trap")
He was on the bridge when the Psi 2000 virus infected the crew, and helped carrying out the sedated Lieutenant Sulu. (TOS: "The Naked Time")
The same year, he served as the relief navigator when the Enterprise discovered the planet Miri. (TOS: "Miri")
Still the same year, he was in the recreation room, listening to Uhura's performance of "Beyond Antares", and later, was present in the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
In 2269, he acted as a sciences division medical technician, when he and another medical technician helped to get the unconscious Janice Lester to sickbay. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")
Crewman #6 []
This crew woman was present in the recreation room, when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")
The same year, she was listening to Uhura's performance of "Beyond Antares" in the recreation room, and later, was present in the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
In 2267, she was present on the bridge during the shuttlecraft search and after the Enterprise left Taurus II. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")
In the same year, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Starbase 11. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")
The same year, wearing a sciences division uniform, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered the planet Gothos. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")
Still the same year, she delivered some equipment to the bridge following the discovery of Lazarus on the surface of an iron-silica planet. She was present in the recreation room, when Lazarus visited the Enterprise, the same year. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
After returning to the command division, she would be present in the recreation room when Uhura introduced her newly found pets, the tribbles, to her crewmates in 2268. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
Crewman #7 []
This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise during the late 2260s.
In 2266, while serving in the command division, was present in a corridor and in Recreation Room 6 when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise. She stood over Charlie's shoulder as he performed card tricks for Janice Rand. She later served as a relief for Uhura at the communications station after the station short circuited and injured Uhura. (TOS: "Charlie X")
Later that year, she attended the aborted wedding of Angela Martine and Robert Tomlinson, sitting in the front row next to Brent. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
She was later present on the bridge when the Enterprise discovered Roger Korby on Exo III. She and a sciences crewman shared in Christine Chapel's joy after contact was made with her fiancée. She was later walking in the corridor, passing by Spock when he visited Kirk's quarters. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")
In 2267, after transferring to the sciences division, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise surveyed the Murasaki 312 quasar. She manned the communications station, while Uhura was scanning the Taurean system at the science station. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")
In 2268, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise searched for Spock's missing brain, leading them to the Sigma Draconis system. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
Crewmen #8 – 11 []
During Charles Evans' visit in 2266, these two crew women, along with third off-duty officer, were performing gymnastics in the ship's gymnasium.
Nearby, two other crewmen were sparring with each other using pugil sticks. (TOS: "Charlie X")
Crewman #12 []
This crewman served as a command division helmsman aboard the Enterprise in 2266. (TOS: "Charlie X")
Two years later, he served as an operations division assistant to Chief Engineer Scott in main engineering, when the Enterprise tried to divert an asteroid from hitting the planet Amerind. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome")
This crewman was played by actor John Lindesmith. He only received credit for his second appearance and was credited as "Engineer".
Crewman #13 []
This crewman served in both the sciences and operations divisions.
He was present in sickbay, wearing a standard issue sciences uniform, when Captain Kirk made a ship-wide announcement, during the Romulan Neutral Zone incident in 2266. A short time later, while wearing an engineering jumpsuit, he was in the corridor near the briefing room when the Enterprise approached the comet Icarus IV. Following the conclusion of the engagement with the Romulans, again wearing a sciences uniform, he walked past the ship's chapel where Kirk was comforting Angela Martine. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
Later that year, he was present on the bridge, while wearing a science utilities jumpsuite, when the Enterprise discovered Roger Korby on Exo III. He and a command crew woman shared in the happiness felt by Christine Chapel when contact was made with her fiancée. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")
Later that year, as part of the operations division, he was present in the recreation room, listening to Uhura's performance of "Beyond Antares", and later, he was among the audience at the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
In 2267, he was among the three security guards who escorted Khan Noonien Singh for his trial in the Enterprise's briefing room. Earlier, he was present in main engineering, when Khan took over control of the Enterprise, and held at gunpoint by an augment guard. (TOS: "Space Seed")
The same year, he returned to the sciences division, and was present on the bridge, once again wearing a utility jumpsuit, during the Federation-Klingon War that broke out near Organia. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
In 2268, he was in a corridor, when Kirk announced the arrival of Medusan Ambassador Kollos and emptied the ship's corridors. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
Crewman #14 []
In 2266, this crew woman, wearing a sciences division uniform, was ordered by Spock to "evacuate this section; seal it off" in the corridor near the captain's quarters as Kirk searched for the Type 2 phaser Lenore Karidian set to overload and had hidden there in 2266. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
According to the episode's script, she was among the "guards and personnel who have been attracted by the alarm bell and lights."
She was later present on the bridge when the Enterprise discovered the SS Botany Bay in 2267. (TOS: "Space Seed")
Transferring to the operations division, she was in a corridor when the Enterprise visited Gamma Hydra IV, later the same year. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
She was affected by the energy being drained away from the ship and crew, and were treated in sickbay, when the Enterprise encountered a giant single cell lifeform in 2268. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")
Crewman #15 []

Command and sciences division crew woman
This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise in 2267 and 2268.
In 2267, she served in the command division when she entered the recreation room as Lieutenant Charlene Masters was leaving. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
The following year, she passed by McCoy and Spock as McCoy discussed his odd feelings about the ship's new crewman, Lieutenant Norman. (TOS: "I, Mudd")
The same year, she was present in a corridor during red alert, when the Enterprise visited Deep Space Station K-7. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
Crewman #16 []
This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise in 2267. She was infected by the spores of Omicron Ceti III and transported down to join the colony on the planet. After she recovered, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise left the planet. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")
Later the same year, she wore an operations division uniform when she was present on the bridge carrying a PADD around while Hikaru Sulu was in command during the Federation-Klingon War that broke-out near Organia. She was forced to drop her PADD after the Organians make all of the ship's equipment impossibly hot to touch. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
Crewman #17 []

A female yeoman
This crew woman served aboard the Enterprise during the late-2260s.
In 2267, she was among the crew that deserted the ship at the Omicron colony while under the influence of the pod plants' spores. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")
Later that year, while serving in the operations division, she was present on the hearing assembled by Commodore Stocker to determine if Captain Kirk, suffering from rapid aging, was capable of commanding the Enterprise. She served as court reporter at the hearing. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
In 2268, while serving in the sciences division, she was present in the briefing room when Uhura introduced tribbles to her crewmates. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
In 2269, she was among the audience when Doctor Sevrin's followers performed a jam session on the ship. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
Crewman #18 []
This crewman was on board the USS Enterprise in 2267 when the crew came under the influence of the pod plants' spores in 2267. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")
Crewman #20 []
This female crewmember was responsible for an explosion which threw Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott against a bulkhead in 2267. Doctor Leonard McCoy opined that the incident might ultimately cause him to resent women altogether and recommended a medical leave on Argelius II as a remedy, as it would help him to associate women with a pleasurable experience again. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Crewman #21 []
This crewman served in both the sciences and operations divisions in 2268.
While in the sciences division, this crewman worked on the bridge when the ship tried to escape from inside a space amoeba. He was thrown about the bridge twice. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")
The same year, when working as an engineering crewman, he clashed with Chief Engineer Scott in the auxiliary control center, while he was under the powers of Gorgan and the children from Triacus in 2268. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")
Later that year, he fainted in main engineering, when the interspace mental degradation affected him. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")
Still the same year, he was present on the bridge, manning the engineering station, when the Enterprise visited the planet Scalos. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")
This crewman was played by stunt actor Jay Jones.
Crewman #22 []
This crewman was present on the bridge in 2268, when the Enterprise left the planet Elas. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
He was walking in a corridor, when Kara transported herself to the Enterprise and sedated the entire crew, the same year. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
Also that year, while wearing a command division uniform with lieutenant stripes, he was also present in a corridor when Captain Kirk announced the presence of Ambassador Kollos on board, and ordered the corridors to be emptied. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
The same year, he transferred to the operations division and was present at Kirk's memorial service, when the captain was presumed dead on board the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")
Later, while serving as a security guard he was summoned by Lieutenant Johnson to the transporter room along with Roger Lemli, where he assisted in collecting weapons and escorting Kang and his surviving Klingon crew when they were confined to the crew lounge on Kirk's orders. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")
He later appeared in the corridor when Dr. Sevrin and his followers hijacked the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
This crewman was played by an unknown actor. His final appearance was via recycled footage from "Spock's Brain".
Crewman #23 []
This crewman served in both the sciences and operations divisions.
He was present when Dr. Sevrin was examined in sickbay in 2269. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
He also was called upon to arrest Spock (with another security guard) by Janice Lester whose body was possessed by Captain Kirk in 2269. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")
Lieutenant #1 []

In command uniform
This female lieutenant was serving on the Enterprise in 2266, during the encounter with the First Federation. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")
She was still serving on the Enterprise in 2267, and was present on the bridge when the SS Botany Bay was found drifting in space. (TOS: "Space Seed")
She was again present at the bridge, when the Enterprise visited Pyris VII, the same year. (TOS: "Catspaw")
The same year, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise went to red alert upon discovering the USS Constellation. Later she was present on the bridge, handing a report to Commodore Matt Decker, when the Enterprise encountered the planet killer. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")
She was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered Nomad, the same year. (TOS: "The Changeling")
Still the same year, she was on the bridge, when the Enterprise entered the Romulan Neutral Zone by the orders of Commodore Stocker. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
In 2268, she served as relief communications officer on the bridge, when Lieutenant Uhura was kidnapped by the Providers of Triskelion. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")
The same year, she was affected by the power drain, when the ship encountered a giant single cell lifeform, and went to sickbay for treatment. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")
Still the same year, she was present on the bridge, when the Enterprise found the USS Exeter in orbit around Omega IV. (TOS: "The Omega Glory")

In sciences division uniform
Later she transferred to the sciences department, and wore a blue sciences uniform. Still in 2268, she was present on the bridge, handing Captain Kirk a report when the Enterprise arrived to Troyius. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
The same year, she fainted in a corridor when Kara intruded to the ship and rendered the entire crew unconscious in 2268. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
Still the same year, she was in a corridor, when it was emptied, as Ambassador Kollos was taken to his quarters. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
Still the same year, she was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Platonius. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

In operations uniform
Later the same year, she (apparently as a yeoman in red uniform) served drinks to Captain Kirk, Spock, and Bele. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
In 2269, (back in sciences blue) she was in a corridor when Dr. Sevrin and his followers hijacked the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")
Lieutenant #2 []
This crewman was present on the Enterprise when Harry Mudd visited the ship in 2266. He was lurking when Mudd's three "cargo women" were strolling down a corridor, while working as a member of the engineering division. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

As a security guard
Later the same year, he served as a security guard, when the insane Simon Van Gelder got on board the vessel from Tantalus V. Van Gelder knocked him unconscious while he was patrolling on a corridor, then stole his phaser. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")
For this appearance he was identified in the script as one of the "S & C Security Crewmen".
Still the same year, while serving in the sciences division, he was present among the audience when the Karidian Company of Players performed Hamlet aboard. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King").
By 2267, he had transferred to the command division and was promoted to full lieutenant. That year he delivered some equipment to the bridge while the Enterprise was investigating the SS Botany Bay discovered adrift in space. (TOS: "Space Seed")
He still served on board when the ship visited Argelius II in 2267. He was sedated by Doctor McCoy's injection on the bridge, when the vessel was taken over by the Redjac entity. He was later also present in a corridor. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")
Later that year, he rushed to the bridge when the ship's power was drained by the machine Vaal, near Gamma Trianguli VI. (TOS: "The Apple")
Lieutenant #3 []
This crewman was assigned to several positions aboard the Enterprise in 2266.
That year, while donning a sciences division uniform, he delivered a report to Captain Kirk on the bridge. Later, he was present in the recreation room when Lieutenant Joe Tormolen attempted suicide, under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus in 2266. (TOS: "The Naked Time")
He later transferred to the command division and was promoted to lieutenant, where after he was in Recreation Room 6 when Charles Evans visited the Enterprise. Afterwards, he served as the ship's helmsman when the Thasian ship rendezvoused with the Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X")
Later that year, when the Enterprise received notification that Earth Outpost 4 was under attack by an unidentified space vessel and was put on red alert, he was wearing an operations division jumpsuit as he ran through the corridor to his post. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
Lieutenant #4 []
This female lieutenant served aboard the Enterprise in 2266.
That year, she was present in the recreation room when Lieutenant Joe Tormolen attempted suicide, while he was under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus. (TOS: "The Naked Time")
Later that year, she was present at the wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine, where she escorted the bride to the ship's chapel as her bridesmaid. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
She was identified as a bridesmaid in the episode's script.
Lieutenant #5 []
This crewman served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk during the 2260s.
He played a game of three-dimensional chess with Leslie in the recreation room when Kirk and Spock listened to the disaster recorder of the SS Valiant. Later, he passed Kirk and Spock in a corridor when the two headed to the turbolift. He passed the briefing room when the senior officers discussed a plan involving Delta Vega. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
While serving in the sciences division in 2266, he carried a tool box as he walked in the corridor while Charlie Evans passed by approaching Janice Rand with a gift of perfume. He was later present in Recreation Room 6 on Deck 3 sometime after 1400 hours, enjoying a beverage, before completing his maintenance work in another corridor, with the help of a female lieutenant, when they were passed by Evans. He was later walking down another corridor when he, a male command division lieutenant, and a sciences technician were shoved to the wall by an angry Evans. (TOS: "Charlie X")
In 2267, he was assigned as an operations division security guard with the rank of lieutenant, when he and another security guard were posted in sickbay when Nomad brought Montgomery Scott back to life. He was then given the duty of escorting Nomad to the top security cell in the brig. He and the second guard stood watch at the security cell, and later watched on as Nomad passed through the cell's force field, forcing the two to draw their phasers and fire at the probe. The phasers proved ineffective, and they were seemingly vaporized by the Nomad. When Spock later arrived in main engineering, where Nomad had relocated, he informed Kirk that "the guards have vanished. I must assume they are dead." Infuriated, Kirk scolded Nomad for killing two of his men. (TOS: "The Changeling")
The following year, he sat at the engineering station on the bridge when he attempted to assist the other bridge crew in restraining Spock, who had gone mad from looking at Ambassador Kollos without a visor. After Spock was stunned, he assisted Chekov and Sulu in getting Spock down to sickbay. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
In this instance this officer was not wearing his lieutenant braid.
Later the same year, he served in the command division when he was present at Kirk's memorial service after it was presumed the Captain had been lost onboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")
According to the comic book Star Trek: Defiant, Issue 9, the four security guards vaporized by Nomad were named Ward, Cordry, Kessler and Real. They were all referred to as ensigns.
Lieutenant #6 []
This crewman served aboard the Enterprise during the mid-2260s.
While serving in the operations division (in a uniform with no rank stripes), in 2266, when he was present at the aborted wedding of Robert Tomlinson and Angela Martine; he was Tomlinson's best man. When the Enterprise received notification that Earth Outpost 4 was under attack by an unidentified space vessel and was put on red alert, he quickly left the ship's chapel and was seen wearing a protective suit as he ran through the corridor to his post. He was seen in his red uniform again, working in the phaser control room. A short time later, while still wearing his protective suit, he was in the corridor near the briefing room when the Enterprise approached the comet Icarus IV. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
Later that year, he served in the command division, with the rank of lieutenant, when he served as the helmsman when the ship both entered orbit of, and departed, Exo III. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")
In 2267, back in the operations division (again, with no rank stripes), he served on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered an ion storm. (TOS: "Court Martial")
Lieutenant #7 []
This lieutenant, wearing a command uniform, was on the bridge carrying a PADD speaking with the navigator while the Enterprise was in orbit of Planet Q, before she brought it to Captain Kirk for his signature in 2266.
Later, wearing an operations uniform, she was present at the recreation room when Uhura performed the song "Beyond Antares", and later, she attended the Karidian Company of Players' performance of Hamlet. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
Lieutenant #8 []

A lieutenant
This lieutenant served aboard the Enterprise during the mid-2260s.
While serving in the sciences division (wearing a technician's jumpsuit), he exited the bridge when the Enterprise visited Organia, in 2267. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
Later that year, he served in the command division, when he was assigned as the ship's relief navigator when the Enterprise visited Deneva and encountered a suicidal Denevan ship. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
Lieutenant #9 []

Sciences division technician
This technician was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Starbase 11 in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")
The same year, he was present on the bridge (wearing a gold command uniform with lieutenant stripes) when the Enterprise encountered the planet Gothos. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")
He was also present in the recreation room when Lazarus visited the Enterprise, the same year. Somewhat later, he was also present on the bridge (this time wearing a red operations division uniform). (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
Lieutenant #10 []
This lieutenant served aboard the Enterprise in 2267.
That year, he was assigned as an operations division security officer during the initial landing party on an uncharted iron-silica planet where Lazarus/anti-Lazarus were discovered.
Later, during that mission, he was present in the recreation room, wearing a sciences division jumpsuit, when Lazarus met Lieutenant Charlene Masters there. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
Lieutenant #11 []
In 2267, this lieutenant, while working in the command division sat at a station adjacent to the helm, where he was oversaw by Spock as the Enterprise was in orbit of Planet Q. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
Later that year, he served as the relief helmsman, while Lieutenant Leslie sat in the command chair. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")
The same year, he was on the bridge at the time the Enterprise arrived at Omicron Ceti III. Later, while under the influence of the pod plants' spores, he deserted and beamed down to the planet's surface. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")
Still the same year, he was present on the bridge when the Enterprise left Janus VI. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")
Later that year, while wearing a sciences division uniform, this lieutenant sat at the navigator post, during the Klingon affair near Organia. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")
He remained as navigator in 2268, though returning to the command division, during the Enterprise's mission to Argus X. (TOS: "Obsession")
Lieutenant #12 []

Sciences lieutenant
This lieutenant served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk during the late 2260s.
In 2267, as a security officer, he escorted Chief Engineer Scott to Capella IV. (TOS: "Friday's Child")
Later, as a sciences officer, he was present on the bridge when the Enterprise visited Pollux IV. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")
He was present on a corridor when the Enterprise diverted to Vulcan, the same year. (TOS: "Amok Time")

An engineering technician
He was also on the bridge as a security officer when the Enterprise found the wreck of the USS Constellation adrift in space.
Later, wearing an engineer's jumpsuit, he arrived on the bridge to repair the damage, when the Enterprise encountered the planet killer in 2267. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

Security officer
The same year, along with Carlisle, he was given the duty of replacing the two deceased guards escorting Nomad. Both this lieutenant and Carlisle were seemingly killed by the probe. (TOS: "The Changeling")
Later the same year, he was again called to the bridge when the machine-god Vaal of Gamma Trianguli VI rendered the Enterprise helpless. (TOS: "The Apple")
He was again working as a sciences officer when he was walking in the corridor in front of sickbay when an aged Kirk walked in later that same year. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
In 2268, once again as a security officer, he joined Lieutenant Rowe in the auxiliary control center, when the android Norman took over control of the Enterprise. He and a second guard were instructed by Rowe to take care of the injured Ensign Jordan. (TOS: "I, Mudd")
The same year, he passed Captain Kirk and Commander Spock on the corridor, during the Enterprise's visit to Deep Space Station K-7. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
He was later among the security personnel assigned to Ambassador Sarek's honor guard. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")
Still the same year, he was a member of a security detail under Ensign Rizzo that was seemingly killed by the dikironium cloud creature on the surface of Argus X. (TOS: "Obsession")
Later in 2268, he was manning the bridge's main science station for Spock, when the crew started losing control of the ship's functions and he started running around the bridge helping Scotty. Kelvan Hanar suddenly appeared and put him, in front of the turbolift, and the rest of the bridge crew into temporary "frozen" and motionless stasis. As the Kelvan's continued their attempted hijacking of the Enterprise to return to the Andromeda Galaxy, they considered him one of many non-essential personnel. He was neutralized and reduced into a dehydrated porous cuboctahedron solid, the size of a Human fist, composed of his base minerals which represented the "distilled" essence of his being. He was reconstituted after the four commanding officers, who were not neutralized, regained control of the ship. (TOS: "By Any Other Name")

A security guard
He later accompanied the landing party to Sigma Draconis VI in 2268. He remained on the surface with Ensign Chekov and another guard to keep contact with the ship. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
This crewman was on the bridge bringing the captain a report shortly before the Enterprise was taken over by the Beta XII-A entity. He later assisted in escorting another security officer to Sickbay. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

An operations crewman
Later, while wearing a uniform without rank stripes, he was on duty on the Enterprise's bridge when Scott was in command during its orbit of Platonius. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")
Later the same year, he and Vinci helped Scott enter an access tube to reverse the polarity on the magnetic probe. (TOS: "That Which Survives")
Still the same year, he was present on the bridge and later the corridor when the Enterprise found Lokai's stolen shuttle.
Later, he was present in the recreation room, along with Sulu, Chekov, Hadley and Brent, listening to Bele as he explained his case to them. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
That same year he was part of the landing party to Elba II to administer treatments with Dr. McCoy, Lieutenant Brent, an operations division yeoman, and Lemli. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy")
The same extra died twice during the course of the series (both playing a security guard). One of his appearances in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is via recycled footage from "The Trouble with Tribbles".
According to the comic book Star Trek: Defiant, Issue 9, the four security guards vaporized by Nomad were named Ward, Cordry, Kessler and Real. They were all referred to as ensigns.
Lieutenant #13 []
This lieutenant served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk during the late 2260s.
He served in the operations division as a security guard when was among the detail that escorted Lieutenant Commander Scott on Capella IV in 2267. (TOS: "Friday's Child")
While serving in the command division, he was exiting the turbolift as the Enterprise went to red alert as it came under attack by Nomad. (TOS: "The Changeling")
He later served on the bridge and was in a corridor when the Enterprise left Gamma Trianguli VI. (TOS: "The Apple")
Later that year, he guarded the brig when the mirror universe counterparts of James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, and Nyota Uhura were held there by Spock. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")
He later served in the command division, and was present on a corridor when the Enterprise visited Gamma Hydra IV. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
In 2268, once again serving as a security guard, he joined Lieutenant Rowe in responding to the auxiliary control center, when the android Norman took over control of the Enterprise. He and a second guard were instructed by Rowe to take care of the injured Ensign Jordan. (TOS: "I, Mudd")
The same year, he was also present in the recreation room, when Uhura introduced tribbles to her crewmates, and when the tribble-infested recreation room, when Kirk and Spock visited it, to have lunch. He was later assigned to keep order among the shore leave participants when the ship visited Deep Space Station K-7. Instead, he participated in the bar fight between the Enterprise crew and the IKS Gr'oth personnel. He was confined to his quarters afterwards. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Command division
He was among the honor guard, greeting Ambassador Sarek on the Enterprise, the same year.
Later, he served in the command division as a relief navigator when the Orion scout ship attacked the Enterprise. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")
He accompanied Captain Kirk to Ensign Garrovick's quarters when Spock was attacked by the dikironium cloud creature inside, the same year. (TOS: "Obsession")
He was present on the bridge when the Enterprise encountered a giant single cell lifeform, the same year. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")
The same year, he was present in main engineering, and was placed in "frozen" and motionless stasis by Tomar as the Kelvans attempted to hijack the Enterprise and take it to the Andromeda Galaxy. A short time later, he would have been considered one of many non-essential personnel and the Kelvans would have neutralized and reduced him into a dehydrated porous cuboctahedron solid, the size of a Human fist, composed of his base minerals which represented the "distilled" essence of his being. He would have been reconstituted after the four commanding officers, not neutralized, regained control of the ship. (TOS: "By Any Other Name")

Operations division
He was guarding Gary Seven in the brig, when the Enterprise traveled back in time to 1968. Seven escaped and sedated the crewman. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")
He was guarding Kryton in main engineering along with Roger Lemli and Evans, after Kryton sabotaged the dilithium crystal chamber, the same year. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")
Along with Lemli, he escorted the captured Romulan commander to the Enterprise bridge, the same year. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident")
Still the same year, he was called to the bridge (again, with Lemli) to arrest the intruder Kara, soon before she rendered the entire crew unconscious. Later, he was also a member of the away team on Sigma Draconis VI, and remained on the surface with Ensign Chekov and another security guard, to keep contact with the ship. (TOS: "Spock's Brain")
He also appeared in "Catspaw" as a member of a security guard rescue party unable to beam down however it ended up as a deleted scene.
Lieutenant #14 []

A security lieutenant
This lieutenant was guarding the bridge near the turbolift door, when the Enterprise discovered the remains of the USS Constellation in 2267. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")
In 2268, belonged to the sciences division, he participated in the fight between the Enterprise crewmembers and the Klingon personnel of IKS Gro'th on Deep Space Station K-7. Later he was interrogated by Captain Kirk. After he was released from quarters confinement, he was present in the recreation room, visited by Kirk and Spock. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")
Lieutenant #15 []
This lieutenant served aboard the USS Enterprise in 2268.
That year he was on duty, while serving in the sciences division, during the ship's visit to Deep Space Station K-7. Initially, He participated in the brawl between Enterprise personnel and the Klingon crew of the IKS Gr'oth. He was subsequently interrogated by Kirk for his role in the fight, before being confined to his quarters. He was later present in the recreation room when Kirk and Spock later visited it, and observed the tribble infestation aboard the ship. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")
Later the same year, while serving in the command division, he was attended the memorial for Captain Kirk, when it was presumed that he had died aboard the USS Defiant. (TOS: "The Tholian Web")
Rigelian fever victims []
According to James T. Kirk's Captain's log, as of his recording the log, twenty-six crewmen had contracted Rigelian fever. Of those 26, three crewmen had died.
Later, Montgomery Scott reported that nearly everyone onboard had come down with the illness. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")
These crewmen were only mentioned in dialogue.
Section chief []
This section chief reported to Commander Spock while crew searched for the "evil" transporter duplicate of James T. Kirk in 2266.
He informed Spock that transporter technician Wilson was found injured near the captain's cabin after having been attacked by the "evil" Kirk. He further reported that that Kirk had taken Wilson's hand phaser. Spock acknowledged the report and had the search continue. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")
This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.
This "voice", as described in the final draft of the script, was portrayed by an unknown actor.
Technician #1 []

Technician #1
This technician was one of two who worked as repair crew on the bridge of the Enterprise following the contact with the galactic barrier in 2265. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
Technician #2 - #3 []
These two technicians were part of the landing party on Delta Vega in 2265. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
Mid 2270s[]
Rec deck crewmembers[]
All 170 crewmembers were played by extras, production staff members, and fans and most of them received no on-screen credit for their appearances. They were cast by a cattle call, organized by Bjo Trimble and had to fulfill these special requests: "aged between 20 and 40, men from 5'8" to 6'2", sizes 40-42, and women from 5'6" to 5'8', sizes 8-10."
A wide variety of people portrayed these crewmembers including Fred Bronson, Bobby Butz, Gordon Cardoza, Walt Doty, William Guest, John Hayes, Art Lake, Katherine Kurtz, Randall Larson, Leah Livingston, Beth Moberly, Zack Richardson, Linda Robertson, Eileen Salamas, Kathleen Sky, Jay Smith, and Leigh Strother-Vien.
Andorian officers []
Two Andorian officers were among the majority of the crew that attended the briefing on V'ger. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
The novel Ex Machina identifies the Andorian in the first picture as "Shantherin th'Clane".
Arcturian crewmember []

Arcturian crewmember
An Arcturian crewmember was among the crew on the recreational deck gathering. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
The comic story "Dilithium Dilemma" features an Arcturian crewmember named Ensign Taskul. The comic strip The Real McCoy shows another Arcturian crewmember called Ensign Tagsut. The Arcturian pictured here could be either of these.
Human officers and crew []
These Human crewmembers attended the briefing on the recreation deck of the USS Enterprise in the 2270s. They were witnesses to the destruction of the Epsilon IX station during the briefing.
Of these Humans, two female and one male officers wore Native American garb. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Rhaandarite crewmembers []
Two Rhaandarite crewmembers were present during the briefing on V'ger on the recreation deck and witnessed the destruction of the Epsilon IX station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Saurian crewmember []

A Saurian crewmember
A Saurian crewmember was present during the briefing on V'ger on the recreation deck and witnessed the destruction of the Epsilon IX station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
He was played by Vincent.
Vulcan crewmember []

A Vulcan crewmember
A Vulcan crewmember was present during the briefing on V'ger on the recreation deck and witnessed the destruction of the Epsilon IX station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Zaranite officers []
Two Zaranite officers were present during the briefing on V'ger on the recreation deck and witnessed the destruction of the Epsilon IX station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
The novel Ex Machina identifies the Zaranite in the left picture as "Chezrava".
Sickbay patient []

A crewmember in sickbay
This crewmember was treated in sickbay when Spock was also held there, after his mind meld with V'ger. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Technical assistants []
These technical assistants were on the USS Enterprise during the 2270s. They assisted Captain Kirk with putting his EV suit in order to retrieve Spock. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
These assistants only appeared in the extended television edit of the film.
Transporter accident victim []

A transporter accident victim
This transporter accident victim and Sonak were killed in a transporter accident shortly before the starship left to deal with the V'ger crisis in the mid-2270s. The ship's transporter was temporarily out of order that time; Janice Rand operated the transporter when she saw their silhouettes being deformed, and despite Kirk's attempts to complete the transfer, they disappeared. When Kirk asked Starfleet if they ended up with their disfigured masses, a transporter operator at Starfleet Headquarters said what he saw were fortunate that they didn't live long. Kirk then asked HQ to express his condolences to her family. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Crewman #25 []
This crewman was on board the USS Enterprise in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
Crewman #26 []
This crewman, who served during the Enterprise's ill fated training cruise, wore a Starfleet protective suit with a helmet in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
He was later present when Admiral Morrow visited the Enterprise after its return to the Spacedock One in 2285. They were all given orders by the admiral "not to discuss with anyone your knowledge of Genesis, [and to] [c]onsider it a quarantined planet. And a forbidden subject." (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
Return crew []
These crewmembers, consisting of both officers and trainees who survived the ill fated training cruise, were present when Admiral Morrow visited the Enterprise after its return to the Spacedock One in 2285. They were all given orders by the Admiral "not to discuss with anyone your knowledge of Genesis, [and to] [c]onsider it a quarantined planet. And a forbidden subject." (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
The large, bald alien with a sharp ridges above each eye was of the same species as the female alien who appeared in the San Francisco bar scenes.