
USS Revere

The USS Revere (NCC-595) was a 23rd century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

In the mid-2270s, the scout ship was ordered by Commodore Probert to rendezvous with the USS Columbia on stardate 7411.4. The order was relayed through the Epsilon IX station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)


Background information[]

This starship was only mentioned in dialogue.

In the original version of The Motion Picture, the stardate was 7011.4 but the date was adjusted in the director's version to 7411.4 to better fit the rest of the stardates in the film. Notes regarding dating contradictions for the events in the movie can be found here.

The source for this ship, like many other ships mentioned in the radio chatter, was the Star Fleet Technical Manual. The Revere was identified as a Hermes-class starship by this manual.


According to the Decipher roleplaying game supplements, this vessel is a Ranger-class (β) starship.

External links[]